cgrossde / Pullover

The unofficial multi-platform Pushover desktop client
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Very Large Alert Message Text and RaspberryPi/ASUS TinkerBoard Compatability #115

Closed furriephillips closed 6 years ago

furriephillips commented 6 years ago

Hi, I hope this is the right place to ask this - sorry if it's not!

I'm knocking up a lightweight, digital-signage system using ASUS TinkerBoards, as they have the power to show Power BI dashboards, hop between multiple browser tabs and stream video.

The last thing that's in my brief - which I haven't yet achieved, is the ability to print very large text alert messages to the screens, as an oevrlay/pop-up, so that staff across the office can easily read them at a distance. The sort of thing would be "Happy Birthday Chris - There Are Cakes In The Kitchen!"

Is there support for the version of Debian that is currently the default on the TinkerBoard and the architechture?

linaro@tinkerboard:~$ uname -a Linux tinkerboard 4.4.71+ #1 SMP Wed Nov 15 14:31:48 CST 2017 armv7l GNU/Linux

linaro@tinkerboard:~$ cat /etc/debian_version 9.4

If it's likely that I can get Pullover working on Tinkerboard, would we be able to request particular formatting of messages that have a certain profile/status? We'd be looking for something that showed on top of everything else, used the whole screen real-estate (or a configurable message area) and had something like a dark/black background and a definable primary colour text (perhaps based on the Pushover alert level)? Obviously, we'd not want to tread on other user's toes, so perhaps a toggleable setting for richer-formatting? If this was within the realms of possibility, please would you let me know what sort of contribution might be required, to make it a reality? My coding skills are not great, but I would be willing to help in any way that might add value.



cgrossde commented 6 years ago

Pullover is based on NW.js and available for linux (you can download linux builds under releases). However to show very big notifications you would need to hack it: This code is responsible to show the notifications, you could adapt it to open a new window make it fullscreen and display the notification there ;) Good luck