cgrossde / Pullover

The unofficial multi-platform Pushover desktop client
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Windows 10 1803 - Inactive #125

Open cladmonitor opened 6 years ago

cladmonitor commented 6 years ago

Win 10 1803 (patched up to date), running the latest pre-compiled version of Pullover.

The app ignores requests to quit, show notifications, or show the main screen until dozens of alerts have been displayed or the process is killed and restarted. This happens when I bring the system back from inactivity (Screens are off, not asleep or in hibernation)

Background: I work for an Managed IT provider 100s of devices across the planet and get alerts for all different reasons sometimes while the screens are off I sometimes get many dozens of alerts piled.

Would also be nice if I could dismiss all alerts, but I know thats something for the feature requests board and not a issue.