cgruver / okd4-single-node-cluster

Building an OKD4 single node cluster with minimal resources
GNU General Public License v3.0
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installing on ESXi #8

Open TCPuniverse opened 3 years ago

TCPuniverse commented 3 years ago

If I want to install the whole system on ESXi server and start to build an initial snc-host VM on it, what would be the specs of the VM (for example, disk)? If I understood right, an initial machine (snc-host) is deployed first, then okd machines (bootstrap and master/worker) are deployed as VMs on top of it. Am I right?

cgruver commented 3 years ago

You will need to enable nested virtualization on your ESXi hypervisor, which I assume can be done, but haven't done it personally.

Give your snc-host 32GB of RAM, 4 or preferably 6 CPUs, and 500GB of disk. You can get away with less disk if needed.

TCPuniverse commented 3 years ago

I assigned reachable address to the snc-host and edited the files so both of the bootstrap and master nodes will have IPs from the same range as well. For this reason I thought there shouldn't be necessary to create a network bridge. But script stopped giving me the following error:

+ mkdir -p /VirtualMachines/okd4-snc-master
+ virt-install --name okd4-snc-master --memory 16384 --vcpus 4 --disk size=200,path=/VirtualMachines/okd4-snc-master/rootvol,bus=sata --cdrom /tmp/snc-master.iso --network bridge=br0 --mac=52:54:00:b8:25:07 --graphics none --noautoconsole --os-variant centos7.0

Starting install...
Allocating 'rootvol'                                                                                                                                              | 200 GB  00:00:00
ERROR    Cannot get interface MTU on 'br0': No such device
Removing disk 'rootvol'                                                                                                                                           |    0 B  00:00:00
Domain installation does not appear to have been successful.
If it was, you can restart your domain by running:
  virsh --connect qemu:///system start okd4-snc-master
otherwise, please restart your installation.
+ rm -rf /root/okd4-snc/fcos-iso
[root@snc-host okd4-snc]#

Should I create a network bridge in this case or edit the script to ignore bridge config (I don't know how, anyway)?

cgruver commented 3 years ago

The scripts that I prepared are very opinionated toward a Libvirt install on a bare metal host.

You will either have to create the bridge device on your snc-host, or modify the script to build the VMs natively on ESXi.

Unfortunately, I don't have an ESX setup to test with, just my bare metal NUCs.

TCPuniverse commented 3 years ago

Hello; I created bridge and finished the process. I destroyed bootstrap vm through the script and managed to login to the cluster through web console. But there were some issues;

while issuing "oc apply -f", "oc adm policy" and "oc patch" commands, I got this:

error: Missing or incomplete configuration info.  Please point to an existing, complete config file:

  1. Via the command-line flag --kubeconfig
  2. Via the KUBECONFIG environment variable
  3. In your home directory as ~/.kube/config

To view or setup config directly use the 'config' command.

The oc get pods command ran successfully:

[root@snc-host bin]# oc get pods --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE                                          NAME                                                         READY   STATUS                 RESTARTS   AGE
openshift-apiserver-operator                       openshift-apiserver-operator-775b96cbc7-jdzx8                1/1     Running                4          49m
openshift-apiserver                                apiserver-5f6c8f7b57-wqnn2                                   2/2     Running                0          39m
openshift-authentication-operator                  authentication-operator-7db54f67b4-rzzwr                     1/1     Running                4          49m
openshift-authentication                           oauth-openshift-f896f6bd7-4jqhk                              1/1     Running                1          19m
openshift-authentication                           oauth-openshift-f896f6bd7-g6zxp                              1/1     Running                1          18m
openshift-cloud-credential-operator                cloud-credential-operator-7f849b64-nfbt4                     2/2     Running                0          49m
openshift-cluster-machine-approver                 machine-approver-8dc558468-fjkr4                             2/2     Running                0          49m
openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator             cluster-node-tuning-operator-666599dc7d-2c2mz                1/1     Running                0          49m
openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator             tuned-9vx26                                                  1/1     Running                0          44m
openshift-cluster-samples-operator                 cluster-samples-operator-7897fc6cfc-v5scl                    2/2     Running                0          32m
openshift-cluster-storage-operator                 cluster-storage-operator-7c8b7446db-hmgtd                    1/1     Running                3          49m
openshift-cluster-storage-operator                 csi-snapshot-controller-5467fccd7d-xj2p8                     1/1     Running                4          45m
openshift-cluster-storage-operator                 csi-snapshot-controller-operator-6775454678-p9t54            1/1     Running                3          49m
openshift-cluster-version                          cluster-version-operator-675d5596b5-ws5mn                    1/1     Running                4          49m
openshift-config-operator                          openshift-config-operator-5898656dd5-m8lqb                   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff       10         49m
openshift-console-operator                         console-operator-55dc54764d-4mn67                            1/1     Running                8          32m
openshift-console                                  console-65b8998b59-8lmd8                                     0/1     CreateContainerError   0          19m
openshift-console                                  console-65b8998b59-lfrlw                                     1/1     Running                1          19m
openshift-console                                  downloads-854f79cbf8-hkxmj                                   1/1     Running                0          32m
openshift-console                                  downloads-854f79cbf8-ntg8l                                   0/1     Completed              1          32m
openshift-controller-manager-operator              openshift-controller-manager-operator-69fb47658c-t8fkv       1/1     Running                4          49m
openshift-controller-manager                       controller-manager-ch885                                     1/1     Running                4          42m
openshift-dns-operator                             dns-operator-77bb7f84c-mft2q                                 2/2     Running                0          49m
openshift-dns                                      dns-default-rkfnl                                            3/3     Running                0          41m
openshift-etcd-operator                            etcd-operator-6b7b4d74-2kdcp                                 1/1     Running                4          49m
openshift-etcd                                     etcd-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                                3/3     Running                0          31m
openshift-etcd                                     etcd-quorum-guard-6d84d68c47-2fctd                           1/1     Running                0          39m
openshift-etcd                                     etcd-quorum-guard-6d84d68c47-4znmk                           0/1     Pending                0          39m
openshift-etcd                                     etcd-quorum-guard-6d84d68c47-7qths                           0/1     Pending                0          39m
openshift-etcd                                     installer-2-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                         0/1     Completed              0          43m
openshift-etcd                                     installer-3-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                         0/1     Completed              0          31m
openshift-etcd                                     revision-pruner-2-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                   0/1     Completed              0          40m
openshift-etcd                                     revision-pruner-3-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                   0/1     Completed              0          25m
openshift-image-registry                           cluster-image-registry-operator-bc6ff4b59-8t8wh              0/1     Preempting             0          49m
openshift-image-registry                           cluster-image-registry-operator-bc6ff4b59-zfhgb              1/1     Running                0          23m
openshift-image-registry                           node-ca-kmnfs                                                1/1     Running                0          31m
openshift-ingress-operator                         ingress-operator-6468c7f548-zzcfj                            2/2     Running                0          49m
openshift-ingress                                  router-default-b4b55dffd-sjss9                               1/1     Running                1          41m
openshift-insights                                 insights-operator-7d45f44d7b-tx6t2                           1/1     Running                1          49m
openshift-kube-apiserver-operator                  kube-apiserver-operator-575f69c8dd-zq95h                     1/1     Running                4          49m
openshift-kube-apiserver                           installer-2-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                         0/1     Completed              0          42m
openshift-kube-apiserver                           installer-3-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                         0/1     Completed              0          31m
openshift-kube-apiserver                           installer-4-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                         0/1     Completed              0          24m
openshift-kube-apiserver                           kube-apiserver-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                      5/5     Running                0          23m
openshift-kube-apiserver                           revision-pruner-2-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                   0/1     Completed              0          39m
openshift-kube-apiserver                           revision-pruner-3-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                   0/1     Completed              0          24m
openshift-kube-apiserver                           revision-pruner-4-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                   0/1     Completed              0          18m
openshift-kube-controller-manager-operator         kube-controller-manager-operator-59b9b989b6-gblgg            1/1     Running                4          49m
openshift-kube-controller-manager                  installer-4-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                         0/1     Completed              0          42m
openshift-kube-controller-manager                  installer-5-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                         0/1     Completed              0          41m
openshift-kube-controller-manager                  installer-6-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                         0/1     Completed              0          40m
openshift-kube-controller-manager                  installer-7-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                         0/1     Completed              0          25m
openshift-kube-controller-manager                  installer-8-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                         0/1     Completed              0          24m
openshift-kube-controller-manager                  kube-controller-manager-okd4-snc-master.snc.test             4/4     Running                2          22m
openshift-kube-controller-manager                  revision-pruner-4-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                   0/1     Completed              0          41m
openshift-kube-controller-manager                  revision-pruner-5-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                   0/1     Completed              0          40m
openshift-kube-controller-manager                  revision-pruner-6-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                   0/1     Completed              0          36m
openshift-kube-controller-manager                  revision-pruner-7-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                   0/1     Completed              0          24m
openshift-kube-controller-manager                  revision-pruner-8-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                   0/1     Completed              0          19m
openshift-kube-scheduler-operator                  openshift-kube-scheduler-operator-8ffc65794-l76v6            1/1     Running                4          49m
openshift-kube-scheduler                           installer-2-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                         0/1     Completed              0          44m
openshift-kube-scheduler                           installer-3-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                         0/1     Completed              0          43m
openshift-kube-scheduler                           installer-4-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                         0/1     Completed              0          43m
openshift-kube-scheduler                           installer-5-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                         0/1     Completed              0          41m
openshift-kube-scheduler                           installer-6-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                         0/1     Completed              0          40m
openshift-kube-scheduler                           installer-7-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                         0/1     Completed              0          25m
openshift-kube-scheduler                           installer-8-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                         0/1     Completed              0          18m
openshift-kube-scheduler                           installer-9-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                         0/1     Completed              0          17m
openshift-kube-scheduler                           openshift-kube-scheduler-okd4-snc-master.snc.test            3/3     Running                0          15m
openshift-kube-scheduler                           revision-pruner-2-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                   0/1     Completed              0          43m
openshift-kube-scheduler                           revision-pruner-3-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                   0/1     Completed              0          43m
openshift-kube-scheduler                           revision-pruner-4-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                   0/1     Completed              0          41m
openshift-kube-scheduler                           revision-pruner-5-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                   0/1     Completed              0          40m
openshift-kube-scheduler                           revision-pruner-6-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                   0/1     Completed              0          36m
openshift-kube-scheduler                           revision-pruner-7-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                   0/1     Completed              0          18m
openshift-kube-scheduler                           revision-pruner-8-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                   0/1     Completed              0          17m
openshift-kube-scheduler                           revision-pruner-9-okd4-snc-master.snc.test                   0/1     Completed              0          14m
openshift-kube-storage-version-migrator-operator   kube-storage-version-migrator-operator-6b897b95f6-wwc7v      1/1     Running                4          49m
openshift-kube-storage-version-migrator            migrator-7b994fb6bd-b5vb8                                    1/1     Running                0          44m
openshift-machine-api                              cluster-autoscaler-operator-78ccfd7fd9-kd92h                 2/2     Running                3          49m
openshift-machine-api                              machine-api-operator-5b9c9dc55d-vpnl9                        2/2     Running                3          49m
openshift-machine-config-operator                  machine-config-controller-7c99b744d9-5xm9p                   1/1     Running                3          41m
openshift-machine-config-operator                  machine-config-daemon-s47c7                                  2/2     Running                0          45m
openshift-machine-config-operator                  machine-config-operator-659dfb74f6-brmsd                     1/1     Running                3          49m
openshift-machine-config-operator                  machine-config-server-lztn6                                  1/1     Running                0          39m
openshift-marketplace                              community-operators-dlpx6                                    1/1     Running                1          41m
openshift-marketplace                              community-operators-vqxwt                                    0/1     ContainerCreating      0          3m32s
openshift-marketplace                              marketplace-operator-5c994cd68b-79rz8                        1/1     Running                0          49m
openshift-monitoring                               alertmanager-main-0                                          5/5     Running                0          31m
openshift-monitoring                               alertmanager-main-1                                          5/5     Running                0          31m
openshift-monitoring                               alertmanager-main-2                                          5/5     Running                0          31m
openshift-monitoring                               cluster-monitoring-operator-5b5f7bbf6c-nq85m                 2/2     Running                3          49m
openshift-monitoring                               grafana-59796b8d65-5k87f                                     2/2     Running                0          31m
openshift-monitoring                               kube-state-metrics-7c489bf449-55gjb                          3/3     Running                0          44m
openshift-monitoring                               node-exporter-p7fsw                                          2/2     Running                0          44m
openshift-monitoring                               openshift-state-metrics-58cf4fc578-sb7r9                     3/3     Running                0          44m
openshift-monitoring                               prometheus-adapter-99f7d69d8-nh9kb                           1/1     Running                0          39m
openshift-monitoring                               prometheus-adapter-99f7d69d8-r576c                           1/1     Running                0          39m
openshift-monitoring                               prometheus-k8s-0                                             6/6     Running                1          31m
openshift-monitoring                               prometheus-k8s-1                                             6/6     Running                1          31m
openshift-monitoring                               prometheus-operator-7464cb6789-d8tjp                         2/2     Running                0          32m
openshift-monitoring                               thanos-querier-5665b7465b-9rpqs                              5/5     Running                1          31m
openshift-monitoring                               thanos-querier-5665b7465b-lw4hn                              5/5     Running                1          31m
openshift-multus                                   multus-admission-controller-tsftl                            2/2     Running                0          46m
openshift-multus                                   multus-clz7t                                                 1/1     Running                0          48m
openshift-multus                                   network-metrics-daemon-khtvz                                 2/2     Running                0          48m
openshift-network-operator                         network-operator-df9d76cdb-vcq2f                             1/1     Running                0          49m
openshift-oauth-apiserver                          apiserver-7fc5cf4fb6-2tqct                                   0/1     Completed              6          39m
openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager               catalog-operator-5777d9f486-vt8wd                            1/1     Running                0          49m
openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager               olm-operator-64d68c47df-g8msw                                1/1     Running                1          49m
openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager               packageserver-58ddfdcc64-hs8mm                               0/1     CrashLoopBackOff       10         41m
openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager               packageserver-58ddfdcc64-xm8t6                               0/1     CrashLoopBackOff       10         41m
openshift-sdn                                      ovs-tw48s                                                    1/1     Running                0          48m
openshift-sdn                                      sdn-controller-wfjqh                                         1/1     Running                4          48m
openshift-sdn                                      sdn-s7flk                                                    2/2     Running                0          48m
openshift-service-ca-operator                      service-ca-operator-866b447b9d-6n24n                         1/1     Running                4          49m
openshift-service-ca                               service-ca-78ff8d59b7-5pf7k                                  1/1     Running                3          44m
openshift-service-catalog-removed                  openshift-service-catalog-apiserver-remover-756tq            0/1     ContainerCreating      0          7m54s
openshift-service-catalog-removed                  openshift-service-catalog-controller-manager-remover-n4jt8   0/1     ContainerCreating      0          7m54s

htpasswd secret was also created:

[root@snc-host bin]# cat /root/okd4-snc/okd-creds/htpasswd
TCPuniverse commented 3 years ago

Hello; I tried to login to the cluster, is the master node IP address which I can ping, but got this:

[root@snc-host ~]# oc get pods --all-namespaces
The connection to the server api.okd4-snc.snc.test:6443 was refused - did you specify the right host or port?

[root@snc-host ~]# /root/bin/oc login -u admin
error: dial tcp connect: connection refused - verify you have provided the correct host and port and that the server is currently running..

[root@snc-host ~]# /root/bin/oc apply -f ${OKD4_SNC_PATH}/okd4-single-node-cluster/htpasswd-cr.yaml
error: unable to recognize "/root/okd4-snc/okd4-single-node-cluster/htpasswd-cr.yaml": Get "https://api.okd4-snc.snc.test:6443/api?timeout=32s": dial tcp connect: connection refused

I restarted the host but after it booted up, even "oc get pods --all-namespaces" command which ran before, didn't run after restart, and GUI didn't work too. I tried the curl and got this:

[root@snc-host ~]# curl https://console-openshift-console.apps.okd4-snc.snc.test
curl: (7) Failed to connect to console-openshift-console.apps.okd4-snc.snc.test port 443: Connection refused

Nothing works as expected. Did I miss something?

TCPuniverse commented 3 years ago

Hello; Nothing worked, so I clear everything and started from beginning 2 more times. At the end, none of my attempts succeeded. Despite that I waited more than a day, but both of the bootstrap and master nodes didn't shut down as you mentioned on the output of the "virsh list --all" command, which I think the reason was that the install process never finished at all and stuck somewhere. I tried "virsh console okd4-snc-master" and "virsh console okd4-snc-bootstrap" commands but nothing was displayed on the terminal. I followed every step you mentioned in this doc 3 times, but I wasn't successful at all.

cgruver commented 3 years ago

Hey, that sucks that you couldn't get it working. I don't know if the nested virtualization is causing issues or not.

It looks like you got really close though. Those pods that were in a crash loop backoff state were probably the issue.

If you can get back to that state, I'll try to help you get across the line.

I'm in meetings all day most days, so I haven't been able to spend much time in my lab lately.. :-(

TCPuniverse commented 3 years ago

I really appreciate you for helping friends despite you're steeped in the daily work. So first of all I want to say thank you :)

I gave one more shot and noticed that there might be an issue in the "sshkey: ecdsa-sha1xxxxxx" line of the install-config-yaml file. I'm not sure if it makes any sense, I put the whole line inside ' ' characters (like sshkey: 'ecdsa-shaxxxxx' but got the same results as I said (bootstrap and master didn't shut down by script and I got nothing on the virsh console through the whole process), Because I still could ping the master node IP address and the console URL from other device, I tried to see if I could load the GUI, which I wasn't able too, although I got the connection refused error message through the "snc-host" CLI:

[root@snc-host ~]# curl https://console-openshift-console.apps.okd4-snc.snc.test
curl: (7) Failed to connect to console-openshift-console.apps.okd4-snc.snc.test port 443: Connection refused
cgruver commented 3 years ago

I'll take a look at that. I might have a mistake in the document.

TCPuniverse commented 3 years ago

Did you get the chance to test-run the procedure on an ESXi host? I can even give you access to my lab if you interested to get info, whenever your time allows.

cgruver commented 3 years ago

Hey. OKD 4.7 is being released. It might work better for you.

I have not had any testing time lately, so I haven't tried anything yet. I'll keep you posted.

cgruver commented 3 years ago

Try this again with OKD 4.7.

Follow my guide, there are three oc commands that you need to run during the installation for it to complete successfully with a single node.

xuheng44 commented 2 years ago

You will need to enable nested virtualization on your ESXi hypervisor, which I assume can be done, but haven't done it personally.

Give your snc-host 32GB of RAM, 4 or preferably 6 CPUs, and 500GB of disk. You can get away with less disk if needed.

Hi Sir,

May i know the minimum Disks for bootstrap and master node? In your scripts, it uses 200G for each node, can i use 30G for testing? i had tried and seemed not working.

cgruver commented 2 years ago

I have successfully built with 50G disks.

This guide is also horribly out of date. I need to refresh it for OKD 4.9.

I'll try to spend a few minutes on it soon.

xuheng44 commented 2 years ago

I have successfully built with 50G disks.

This guide is also horribly out of date. I need to refresh it for OKD 4.9.

I'll try to spend a few minutes on it soon.

thank you , please let me know the result. I still use OKD 4.7 but withe the updatest version: 4.7.0-0.okd-2021-09-19-013247. I also use the updating FCOS version: 34.20210611.3.0

Still have issues with bootstrap node, find some no space errors in dmesg, but not sure whether it is caused by disk.

If it is disk issues, i will create another VM for testing but i do have disk resources limitations in my notebook.

cgruver commented 2 years ago

How much memory are you giving the bootstrap node?

It needs at least 14GB RAM. Not because it uses that much, but because it sizes the RAM disk that it expands the ostree bundle into proportionally to the RAM. If it's too small, then the ostree bundle will fill up the filesystem.

cgruver commented 2 years ago

It should be safe to oversubscribe your RAM if you have at least 32 GB on the box. So, try giving the bootstrap node 16GB of RAM.

xuheng44 commented 2 years ago

I only has 16G memory in my notebook, seems I can overconfigure memory for bootstrap node!

Than how about Master? Same requirements?

Thanks Sky Sent from my mobile

On Dec 23, 2021, at 7:22 PM, Charro Gruver @.***> wrote:

It should be safe to oversubscribe your RAM if you have at least 32 GB on the box. So, try giving the bootstrap node 16GB of RAM.

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cgruver commented 2 years ago

Yeah, 16GB of RAM is going to be really tight. Ideally, you need 32GB of RAM to have a useful setup.

xuheng44 commented 2 years ago

yes, seems still can cheat KVM with 16G memory even only having 12G memory in the host. Bootstrap should be fine but still have some issues with Master, i will try to solve it tomorrow.

xuheng44 commented 2 years ago

bookstrip node works fine but not master node. I use virsh console to login master, always report below errors:

[ 2001.156252] ignition[452]: GET error: Get "https://api-int.okd4-snc.snc.test:22623[* ] A start job is running for Ignition (fetch) (32min 59s / no limit) [ 2006.202949] ignition[452]: GET https://api-int.okd4-snc.snc.test:22623/config/master: attempt #377

I also can't use ssh core@okd4-snc-master, so I guess maybe I need real "16G" memory to create master node.

Anyway, many thanks for your support, I will try to install it after i got power server.

xuheng44 commented 2 years ago

just found api-int.okd4-snc.snc.test is in boostrip node, so this problem should be on bootstrip. Do you know how to check the web service for port 22623? i am sure there is no program listen to that port.

cgruver commented 2 years ago

That error message is to be expected until the bootstrap node is fully up and serving the manifests for open shift install.

Once the bootstrap node is fully up, it will be listening on port 22623 to serve the API for the master node to install.

The master node will keep retrying that HTTP get until it is able to retrieve its ignition file.

So, I believe that your bootstrap node has not completely started up yet.

You definitely need more RAM. That's why I use the little Intel NUC servers. They are perfect for this, and really portable.

xuheng44 commented 2 years ago

yes, you are right, i found that kubelet.service could not be started in bootstrap node.

I also use the newest version of OKD: 4.9.0-0.okd-2021-12-12-025847

ec 24 13:15:55 okd4-snc-bootstrap.snc.test systemd[1]: kubelet.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 4. Dec 24 13:15:55 okd4-snc-bootstrap.snc.test systemd[1]: Stopped Kubernetes Kubelet. Dec 24 13:15:55 okd4-snc-bootstrap.snc.test systemd[1]: kubelet.service: Consumed 21.956s CPU time. Dec 24 13:15:55 okd4-snc-bootstrap.snc.test systemd[1]: Starting Kubernetes Kubelet... Dec 24 13:17:27 okd4-snc-bootstrap.snc.test systemd[1]: kubelet.service: start-pre operation timed out. Terminating. Dec 24 13:17:37 okd4-snc-bootstrap.snc.test systemd[1]: kubelet.service: Control process exited, code=killed, status=15/TERM Dec 24 13:17:37 okd4-snc-bootstrap.snc.test systemd[1]: kubelet.service: Failed with result 'timeout'. Dec 24 13:17:37 okd4-snc-bootstrap.snc.test systemd[1]: Failed to start Kubernetes Kubelet. Dec 24 13:17:37 okd4-snc-bootstrap.snc.test systemd[1]: kubelet.service: Consumed 22.829s CPU time.