cgsaxner / HL2ToolTracking

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Big offset when rendering the corresponding models #3

Open nocardio opened 1 year ago

nocardio commented 1 year ago

Hi @cgsaxner,

Thank you for sharing your code. Instead of using the sphere markers, I used a flat retro-reflective markers. And then, I tried to integrate your code with unity to visualize the corresponding models. Using the returned toolPosition, I updated the models in unity using the conversion of right-handed to left-hand coordinate system. However, I got a really strange result with big offset and wrong orientation. When I put the marker in vertical plane, the virtual models appeared close to the markers but with a wrong orientation. Meanwhile, when I put the markers in horizontal plane, the models appeared far from the markers. They appeared far-up above the marker. Furthermore, the models seem to render w.r.t. head position. Even though the markers were still in the same position, but with a different height position (higher/lower), the models were rendered far above from the marker.

Do you have any idea what's the problem? Thank you in advance.
