Tracked down an issue in our PHP setup where the captcha failed to validate.
Google server response: "missing-input-response"
It is caused by our PHP INI that has the setting:
arg_separator.output = "&"
This leads to the query string generated using http_build_query() to be concatenated by the separator & which makes the google server fail to parse the post parameters.
My fix is to force it to use a single '&' in /Validate/Recaptcha.php#L81:
Tracked down an issue in our PHP setup where the captcha failed to validate. Google server response: "missing-input-response"
It is caused by our PHP INI that has the setting:
arg_separator.output = "&"
This leads to the query string generated using http_build_query() to be concatenated by the separator
which makes the google server fail to parse the post parameters.My fix is to force it to use a single '&' in /Validate/Recaptcha.php#L81: