Hello, there! I'm new to BlendArMocap and my goal is to use motion capture to create full-body animations.
I have been able to capture analyze a video and transfer its movements to a rig. But now I want to access this animation data, like the keyframes. I want to be able to edit these animations manually.
I noticed that when I click on "transfer animation" no keyframes are created, so I'm having a hard time figuring it out how to work with these animations. I have tried bake action into pose, but I don't think it worked.
Can someone help me understand this better or point me in a direction? I've read the documentation, but I'm still struggling with this. Thank you in advance!
Hello, there! I'm new to BlendArMocap and my goal is to use motion capture to create full-body animations. I have been able to capture analyze a video and transfer its movements to a rig. But now I want to access this animation data, like the keyframes. I want to be able to edit these animations manually. I noticed that when I click on "transfer animation" no keyframes are created, so I'm having a hard time figuring it out how to work with these animations. I have tried bake action into pose, but I don't think it worked. Can someone help me understand this better or point me in a direction? I've read the documentation, but I'm still struggling with this. Thank you in advance!