cgutierrez / JsMinifier

Sublime Text plugin for javascript minification using Google Closure compiler
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Problem on File "./", line 68, in <lambda> #10

Closed thegeek closed 12 years ago

thegeek commented 12 years ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 68, in File "./", line 52, in handle_threads File "./", line 81, in replace AttributeError: 'GoogleClosureCall' object has no attribute 'error'

Same in Uglyfy_js

Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 68, in File "./", line 52, in handle_threads File "./", line 81, in replace AttributeError: 'UglifyCall' object has no attribute 'error'

Just an observation. When someone clone the git repository in the file Main.sublime-menu on line 33:

                                "file": "${packages}/JS Minifier/Minifier.sublime-settings"

but the folder cloned is JSMinifier without the space.

Thank You for you attention

cgutierrez commented 12 years ago

I updated the path to the settings file to match the repository name. The reason it was like that was because of how I initially named the plugin in the package control plugin.

I am however, unable to replicate the error you're seeing. even after a fresh installation of the plugin. Are you restarting sublime after pulling the updates? With the naming changes, I'd perhaps try doing a fresh clone and restarting sublime.

thegeek commented 12 years ago

Ok I'll try ... i'll keep you posted ...

thegeek commented 12 years ago

Ok it work perfectly ... i remove and reclone the repository ... sorry for the false issue ... Btw great plug-in :)