cgvirus / Olive-Editor-Community-Effects

A community effort to populate effects for Olive-Editor
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Effects for GLSL 1.20 (ports for older GPUs) #15

Closed ghost closed 5 years ago

ghost commented 5 years ago

Is it possible port some official Olive effects for older OpenGL?

For example, "Toonify" (built-in effect)

It not work for me; here is terminal output:

2019-04-11T13:18:37 [INFO] Vertex shader added successfully
2019-04-11T13:18:37 [WARNING] QOpenGLShader::compile(Fragment): 0:1(10): error: GLSL 1.50 is not supported. Supported versions are: 1.10, 1.20, and 1.00 ES

2019-04-11T13:18:37 [WARNING] *** Problematic Fragment shader source code ***
#version 150
#define lowp
#define mediump
#define highp
#line 1
uniform sampler2D tex0;
in vec2 vTexCoord;
out vec4 FragColor;

uniform float colors; // 12.0
uniform float sat_levels; // 4.0
uniform float bri_levels; // 4.0
uniform float edge_thres; // 0.2;
uniform float edge_thres2; // 5.0;

vec3 RGBtoHSV( float r, float g, float b) 
     float minv, maxv, delta;
     vec3 res;

     minv = min(min(r, g), b);
     maxv = max(max(r, g), b);
     res.z = maxv;            // v

     delta = maxv - minv;

     if( maxv != 0.0 )
            res.y = delta / maxv;      // s
     else {
            // r = g = b = 0      // s = 0, v is undefined
            res.y = 0.0;
            res.x = -1.0;
            return res;

     if( r == maxv )
            res.x = ( g - b ) / delta;      // between yellow & magenta
     else if( g == maxv )
            res.x = 2.0 + ( b - r ) / delta;   // between cyan & yellow
            res.x = 4.0 + ( r - g ) / delta;   // between magenta & cyan

     res.x = res.x * 60.0;            // degrees
     if( res.x < 0.0 )
            res.x = res.x + 360.0;

     return res;

vec3 HSVtoRGB(float h, float s, float v ) 
     int i;
     float f, p, q, t;
     vec3 res;

     if( s == 0.0 ) 
            // achromatic (grey)
            res.x = v;
            res.y = v;
            res.z = v;
            return res;

     h /= 60.0;         // sector 0 to 5
     i = int(floor( h ));
     f = h - float(i);         // factorial part of h
     p = v * ( 1.0 - s );
     q = v * ( 1.0 - s * f );
     t = v * ( 1.0 - s * ( 1.0 - f ) );

            case 0:
                 res.x = v;
                 res.y = t;
                 res.z = p;
            case 1:
                 res.x = q;
                 res.y = v;
                 res.z = p;
            case 2:
                 res.x = p;
                 res.y = v;
                 res.z = t;
            case 3:
                 res.x = p;
                 res.y = q;
                 res.z = v;
            case 4:
                 res.x = t;
                 res.y = p;
                 res.z = v;
            default:      // case 5:
                 res.x = v;
                 res.y = p;
                 res.z = q;
     return res;

// averaged pixel intensity from 3 color channels
float avg_intensity(vec4 pix) 
 return (pix.r + pix.g + pix.b)/3.;

vec4 get_pixel(vec2 coords, float dx, float dy) 
 return texture(tex0,coords + vec2(dx, dy));

// returns pixel color
float IsEdge(in vec2 coords)
    float dxtex = 1.0 /float(textureSize(tex0,0)) ;
    float dytex = 1.0 /float(textureSize(tex0,0));
    float pix[9];
    int k = -1;
    float delta;

    // read neighboring pixel intensities
    for (int i=-1; i<2; i++) {
     for(int j=-1; j<2; j++) {
        pix[k] = avg_intensity(get_pixel(coords,float(i)*dxtex,

    // average color differences around neighboring pixels
    delta = (abs(pix[1]-pix[7])+
                    abs(pix[5]-pix[3]) +

    //return clamp(5.5*delta,0.0,1.0);
    return clamp(edge_thres2*delta,0.0,1.0);

void main() {
    vec2 uv = vTexCoord.xy;
    vec4 tc = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
    vec3 colorOrg = texture(tex0, uv).rgb;
    vec3 vHSV =  RGBtoHSV(colorOrg.r,colorOrg.g,colorOrg.b);

    // hue limiting 
    if (colors == 0.0) {
        vHSV.y = 0.0;
    } else {
        float hue_divider = (360.0/colors);
        vHSV.x = round(vHSV.x/hue_divider)*hue_divider;

        float sat_divider = 100.0/sat_levels;
        vHSV.y = round((vHSV.y*100.0)/sat_divider)*sat_divider/100.0;

    float bri_divider = 100.0/bri_levels;
    vHSV.z = round((vHSV.z*100.0)/bri_divider)*bri_divider/100.0;

    float edg = IsEdge(uv);
    vec3 vRGB = (edg >= (1.0-((edge_thres-1.0)*0.01)))? vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0):HSVtoRGB(vHSV.x,vHSV.y,vHSV.z);
    tc = vec4(vRGB.x,vRGB.y,vRGB.z, 1);
    FragColor = tc;
2019-04-11T13:18:37 [WARNING] Fragment shader could not be added
cgvirus commented 5 years ago

I afraid it can't be done as Olive is going towards OGL ES 2. I afraid this is why other effects are showing faults as well in your machine. Does upgrading GPU driver work?

ghost commented 5 years ago

Does upgrading GPU driver work?

No. I has ATI RS600/r300 (integrated GPU)

I afraid it can't be done as Olive is going towards OGL ES 2.

But Olive working well for me, except few video effects.

For example, Community effects such as "Bloom", "Edge Find", "Sharpening" work well for me

cgvirus commented 5 years ago

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