ch-robinson / dotnet-avro

An Avro implementation for .NET
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Deserialize string to DateOnly fails on net6 #304

Closed runerys closed 4 months ago

runerys commented 4 months ago

It seems to be a slight bug when deserializing a string to DateOnly on net6.


It looks like the test suite only runs on net8, not net6. Run it with target framework net6 to reproduce.

Locally it just failed when debugging the exact test. When running through the Test Explorer, it seems like the flag NET6_0_OR_GREATER was not set.


The code use reflection to find the Parse-method, but the current code only works for net8. The overload with only string and IFormatProvider was introduced in net8. Parse on net6 has 3 parameters.

// Include DateTimeStyle to work with both net 6 and net 8:
var parseDateOnly = typeof(DateOnly)
    .GetMethod(nameof(DateOnly.Parse), new[] { value.Type, typeof(IFormatProvider), typeof(DateTimeStyles) }); // <-- Last parameter

value = Expression.ConvertChecked(
        Expression.Constant(DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind)), //<-- with DateTimeStyle

The same goes for TimeOnly just below in the same file.

I'm sorry for not providing a PR with a fix right away - might be back for it soon :)

If net6 is out-of-support for this library, then please close this issue :)

dstelljes commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the report! We'll roll out 10.2.3 shortly with the fix.