ch2i / LoraGW-Setup

SX1301 Lora Concentrator Raspberry PI based gateway setup
72 stars 29 forks source link

SocketServer.UDPServer(("", 1688), MyUDPHandler) #11

Closed VladoPortos closed 5 years ago

VladoPortos commented 5 years ago

I promise this is the last issue I have :D But what should be on port 1688 ? The script did not put anything there. Its not open and there is no traffic on that port either....OLED therefore does not show LoraWan Data Status... any idea ?

VladoPortos commented 5 years ago

Aaand I'm back, figured it out ! since the setup script did not finish correctly ( I'm not using TTN ) it forgot to add this to global_conf.json

     {  "serv_type": "gwtraf",
        "server_address": "",
        "serv_port_up": 1688,
        "serv_port_down": 1689,
        "serv_enabled": true } ],

Now it works !!! Thanks for a great shield :)