ch2i / LoraGW-Setup

SX1301 Lora Concentrator Raspberry PI based gateway setup
72 stars 29 forks source link in global_conf.json missing #12

Open casartar opened 4 years ago

casartar commented 4 years ago

I have installed my gateway according to instructions. But when I called sudo journalctl -f -u loragw.service it only displayed

Jun 14 17:08:51 loragw-9883 loragw[613]: 17:08:51  INFO: Packet logger is disabled
Jun 14 17:08:51 loragw-9883 loragw[613]: 17:08:51  INFO: Flush output after statistics is disabled
Jun 14 17:08:51 loragw-9883 loragw[613]: 17:08:51  INFO: Flush after each line of output is disabled
Jun 14 17:08:51 loragw-9883 loragw[613]: 17:08:51  INFO: Watchdog is disabled
Jun 14 17:08:51 loragw-9883 loragw[613]: 17:08:51  INFO: Contact email configured to ""
Jun 14 17:08:51 loragw-9883 loragw[613]: 17:08:51  INFO: Description configured to ""
Jun 14 17:08:51 loragw-9883 loragw[613]: 17:08:51  INFO: [Transports] Initializing protocol for 2 servers
Jun 14 17:08:51 loragw-9883 loragw[613]: 17:08:51  ERROR: [TTN] Connection to server "" failed, retry in 30 seconds
Jun 14 17:09:35 loragw-9883 loragw[613]: 17:09:35  ERROR: [TTN] Connection to server "" failed, retry in 60 seconds
Jun 14 17:10:35 loragw-9883 loragw[613]: 17:10:35  ERROR: [TTN] Connection to server "" failed, retry in 120 seconds

The server address in /opt/loragw/global_conf.json was empty. "server_address": "", I had to change it to "server_address": "",

shouldn't this work out of the box?

CEHansen commented 3 years ago

Thanks - I was fighting this for hours

For the lazy ones - This should do the trick :) Simply run this when install and configuring is completed.

sudo sed -i 's/"server_address": "",/"server_address": "",/g' /opt/loragw/global_conf.json<<