ch32-rs / ch32v00x-hal

HAL for the CH32V003 family of microcontrollers
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impl usart (and esig) #2

Closed gnxlxnxx closed 1 year ago

gnxlxnxx commented 1 year ago

I Implemented serial; I started already well before I took notice of this repository, therefore the diff is a little ugly since I just pushed the impl that I wrote.

The esig impl that was already in the repo works without problems .

I know I should've done two PRs since these topics are kinda unrelated but I was too lazy to split it into two, I hope that is fine especially since I didn't really do much to the esig.

Noxime commented 1 year ago

Thanks. Don't be too concerned with PR etiquette, we are just getting started so momentum matters. I've added you as a collaborator so feel free to just push your work :)