NOTE: The nodogsplash build was tested on OpenTollGate rather than chGoodchild. However, nodogsplash fix was made on the chGoodchild feed!
I will drop it for now since we want to move forward with OpenNDS rather than nodogsplash, but this still needs testing if we want to use nodogsplash...
src-git-full custom;main
* Adapt `` such that it uses /tmp/
* Can the preauth script help to get longer tokens out of nodogsplash?
# A simple login script is provided in the package.
# This generates a login page asking for usename and email address.
# User logins are recorded in the log file /tmp/ndslog.log
# Details of how the script works are contained in comments in the script itself.
# The Preauth program will output html code that will be served to the client by NDS
# Using html GET the Preauth program may call:
# /nodogsplash_preauth/ to ask the client for more information
# or
# /nodogsplash_auth/ to authenticate the client
# The Preauth program should append at least the client ip to the query string
# (using html input type hidden) for all calls to /nodogsplash_preauth/
# It must also obtain the client token using ndsctl (or the original query string if fas_secure_enabled=0)
# for NDS authentication when calling /nodogsplash_auth/
#option preauth '/usr/lib/nodogsplash/'
NOTE: The nodogsplash build was tested on OpenTollGate rather than chGoodchild. However, nodogsplash fix was made on the chGoodchild feed!
I will drop it for now since we want to move forward with OpenNDS rather than nodogsplash, but this still needs testing if we want to use nodogsplash...