Closed iand675 closed 9 years ago
Hi @iand675, good suggestion. I uploaded buffer-builder to hackage with the ability to return non-unit from BufferBuilder and add the ability to read the current length with "currentLength".
Does that help?
For the details, see
Closing, re-open if this doesn't solve your problem.
Hi Chad, thanks for being so responsive! I'm not sure if this is as useful for my use case as it would be if the current length was queryable from outside of the monadic context– something more like currentLength :: Builder a -> Int
. For context, here's the snippet of code that I'm working with:
objectConsumer :: MonadIO m => Env -> Text -> Text -> (CreateMultiPartUpload -> CreateMultiPartUpload) -> Consumer ByteString m ()
objectConsumer env bucket key f = do
resp <- liftIO $ runResourceT $ Network.AWS.send env $
f $ createMultiPartUpload bucket key
case resp of
Left err -> liftIO $ print err
Right r -> go r (0, return ())
bufferSize = 4194304 -- 4 megabytes
go :: CreateMultiPartUploadResponse -> (Int, Builder ()) -> Consumer ByteString m ()
go mup (size, buff) = do
chunk <- Pipes.await
let newState@(size', buff') = (size + BS.length chunk, buff >> appendBS chunk)
if size' >= bufferSize
then do
liftIO $ runResourceT $ Network.AWS.send env $
__buildUpload $ runBufferBuilderWithOptions (Options bufferSize False) buff'
go mpu (0, return ())
else go mpu newState
So the gist is that I'm receiving chunks of the 4MB object that I'm building up via a streaming abstraction, and I can track the state in a tuple. I don't want to have to run the builder just to get the size, and I can't short-circuit from within the builder since it's not really involved in the control flow of the consumer.
@chadaustin Incidentally, I don't appear to be able to reopen the issue.
Hmmm. So, a BufferBuilder
value has no state. It is just a recipe for building a buffer from various things. There is no inherently-tracked length until the buffer is actually built with runBufferBuilder
Sounds like what you want is similar to #7, where @jberryman requested the ability to calculate the length of a BufferBuilder without actually running it. This would be fairly inexpensive, but not as cheap as maintaining your own size as you construct the BufferBuilder object. But I can add the functionality and you can benchmark to see if it's a win if you want. :)
Ah, nevermind then. Thanks for the help :)
FYI, I implemented the ability to count the length of a BufferBuilder without actually writing bytes. May not help your use case, but it might be worth testing. :)
I've got some code where the buffered value needs to exceed 1MB before being flushed over the network, and I'm currently having to do my own bookkeeping of the size. I'm pretty sure that the builder tracks its utilization under the hood, so would it be realistic to make that data publicly accessible?