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[Comments] Building a Free Blog with GitHub Pages in Minutes #11

Open chadbaldwin opened 3 years ago

chadbaldwin commented 3 years ago

chadbaldwin commented 2 months ago

@Harsiithaa So a couple things going on there...github.css, default.css and ssms.css are all CSS files related to highlightjs which is the library included with the blog for supporting things like syntax highlighting when you add code blocks to your blog posts.

Editing those files may or may not have the correct scope for customizing the blog in the way you want.

The other issue is there appears to have been a bug in the template I created for this blog post. The head.html file was missing a reference to the override.css file. I have since added that reference to the template, but you still still need to add it to yours to fix it.

You can see the change you need to make here:

HOWEVER, this will only allow you to override certain things, but not all. I'm nowhere near a web designer or CSS expert. But from what I can tell, Jekyll doesn't seem to have a very easy way to customize the themes using simple override files.

I'll try to spend a little time looking into this to see if there is an easy option, but for now I don't see it.

liliaoyuan commented 2 months ago

Hi Chad, Thanks for your detailed answers. It does work! You may see that I am rookie on web engineering, Can I have a conceptional question? Is a renderer similar to a compiler for computer languages? Are web languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript rendered into a webpage in the same way that languages like C or Java are compiled into an executable? Additionally, are special elements, like mathematical notation, implemented as libraries that just need to be imported?

heeraimmandi commented 2 months ago

Hi Chad! I really appreciate this post, it helped me set up my blog really quickly. I am not experienced in coding, but I was wondering how you changed the color of your website (the text and the background)

heeraimmandi commented 2 months ago

Also, how can you add images to a post?

ScottN13 commented 1 month ago

Hey Chad! Thanks for the template and tutorial! I'm currently scrolling through the comments and managed to replicate the Dark Theme and

~~I have a question, how can I turn recent posts into embeds? You see, I have a "Latest news and updates" on my website. I really don't know much about Jekyll, and I'm trying to learn web development.

Is there any solution or script that could help me? Thanks!~~

Edit: solved all of my problems :)