chadoh / online-offline-equivalence

How will we make the internet work for future Martians?
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Smooth out transition from motivation to tools #7

Open chadoh opened 6 years ago

chadoh commented 6 years ago

The transition from motivating people with the Problem Definition to explaining the Offline First part of the solution is not clear. Make sure the talk outline is clear to yourself, and then make sure the slides clearly lead people through that outline.

chadoh commented 6 years ago

Talk outline:

  1. The Pain: The web is broken at the edges

    • Mars journey to illustrate most extreme networking challenge
    • Definition of web/internet: must be participatory
    • Bring it home and highlight similar problems in current web
    • Discuss proposed solutions so far, and why they have failed
  2. The Dream: an web that allows full participation at any edge of the network

  3. The Fix, Part 1: Offline First

    • Improving asset-caching with Service Workers
    • Client-side data
    • The pain: collaboration at network edges
    • The dream: offline first, but with syncing between network-edge nodes
  4. The Fix, Part 2: Distributed Web

    • Explanation of client-server architecture vs distributed architecture
    • Explanation of foundation tech for current emerging distributed web:
      • BitTorrent: swarms, p2p, downloading separate chunks of content from many different peers
      • Git: distributed versioning, hashes to uniquely identify content and refer to parent hashes
      • Blockchain: distributed consensus
    • Distributed assets with IPFS
    • ~Distributed data with BigchainDB~
    • Distributed data as a JSON asset with CRDT algorithms to resolve conflicts
    • Distributed ~server side~ incorruptible logic with Ethereum
  5. Summary