chadvandy / cbfm_wh3

Community Bug-Fix Mod for Warhammer III. Please feel free to make pull requests, issues, etc!
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Von Carstein bloodline lords get Fleet-Footed instead of Blade Shield in combat line #1926

Open allenhu0912 opened 4 months ago

allenhu0912 commented 4 months ago

It seems that the tweak/nerf to Vlad's combat line was accidentally applied to the Von Carstein bloodline lords as well. I think it's unintentional as it wasn't listed in the changelogs, and CA has already had issues with goofing up vampire skill trees before (namely, Vlad and Isabella getting bloodline lord spells instead of pure lore of vampires).


floskan commented 6 days ago

After seeing the node names i'm inclined to believe this wasn't on purpose