chadwhitman /

Using my github page for prototyping out the new Django "congrats - it worked" install page
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License for the rocket animation #4

Open FlipperPA opened 7 years ago

FlipperPA commented 7 years ago

Since Chad created the rocket animation, we'll both have to do "signed git commits" to the pull request. We can use this issue to track anything else we need to do to ensure IP clearances.

collinanderson commented 7 years ago

A "signed" git commit may be overkill, but I think as long as there's a decent paper trail you should be good.

aaugustin commented 7 years ago

I think the proper way to handle this is to sign the Contributor License Agreement, if you haven't already:

Then we'll assume the patch is your own work, like we do for anything else that doesn't have an obvious, third-party source (like fonts or vendored libraries).

chadwhitman commented 7 years ago

Hey all - thanks for the input. I actually purchased that icon (for $1.00) off of "IconFinder" and styled it to Django Project colors and animated it myself. It comes with what is called a "basic" license, which I think we meet, but just to be sure maybe someone else can read it and give their thoughts:

aaugustin commented 7 years ago

Since we're an uncommon case, perhaps we could send an email asking for permission. Better safe than sorry.

chadwhitman commented 7 years ago

hey @aaugustin - good idea - I'll send them a message.

chadwhitman commented 7 years ago

emailed "Icon Minds" still waiting to hear back.

chadwhitman commented 7 years ago

Ok, so heard back from "Icon Minds." Here is how the conversation went:

My email to them:

"I recently purchased this icon:

I wanted to use it in a possible redesign of the "congrats - it worked" install page for the Django project (

I think what I am doing is within the license agreement, I just want to make sure.

Here is the page: I've modified it's colors to be consistent with Django and animated it.

I've attempted to contact you 3 times via IconFinder's built-in messaging system and this will be my second attempt at contacting you via your official website contact form."

Icon Minds reply to me:

"Hey, Not sure what the license that offers Iconfinder. You need to ask them. If you buy from our website this cover you need.

-- Best Regards, Icons Mind Team"

FlipperPA commented 7 years ago

IconFinder appears to have chat support. I've opened up a chat with them.

Howdy! We purchased an icon through IconFinder and wanted to make sure we can use it in our project. It is an open source project, and it would appear on an internal page that is displayed when someone first sets up a project.

It says they're out today but will return tomorrow, and I'll get notified by email when they return.

iconifyit commented 7 years ago

Hi, Scott Lewis, Head of Content for As I understand it, the icon will not be available as a separate download, correct? If that is the case then this usage is fine provided you include a copyright notice in the documentation. Otherwise, I do not see a problem with this. I appreciate your team asking for clarification. The animation looks great, too.


FlipperPA commented 7 years ago

Thanks so much, Scott. It will not be available as a separate download, that is correct. We appreciate it!

iconifyit commented 7 years ago

My pleasure.

chadwhitman commented 7 years ago

Thanks all! Also, I updated the design a tad!

Updated design here:

I also received permission from Scott at Iconfinder to use the different icon in the updated design - see attached image of my convo w/ Scott (note: he gave me permission to post an image of our convo here screen shot 2017-06-20 at 9 13 54 pm screen shot 2017-06-20 at 9 13 58 pm screen shot 2017-06-20 at 9 14 04 pm

chadwhitman commented 7 years ago

Another question: do we have permission to use the svg "Django" logo (i.e., the one in the top left found here:

aaugustin commented 7 years ago

I can't see a problem with reusing the Django logo in this context.

chadwhitman commented 7 years ago

Ok I removed the Django logo svg found on the for now, so we don't have to worry about getting permission. We can always add it in down the road. And @FlipperPA I've commited my latest updates to your congrats-page feature branch.