chaegribben / node-tokeninput

YUI 3 Node plugin that turns a text input field into a tokenized input field similar to Cocoa's NSTokenField control.
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Create initial application #3

Open chaegribben opened 5 hours ago

chaegribben commented 5 hours ago

Create an html, js and css starting point for a web application.

chaegribben commented 4 hours ago

Are there any specific design patterns or libraries we should use for this initial application?


Create basic HTML structure CSS Styling JavaScript Foundation CSS and JS Integration Basic Page Rendering

chaegribben commented 4 hours ago

Are there any specific requirements or features that should be included in the initial application?


Set up the basic file structure Create the initial HTML structure Style the initial HTML using CSS Add interactivity with JavaScript

chaegribben commented 4 hours ago

Clarification Question: Are there any specific requirements for the web application's functionality, such as user authentication, data storage, or API integration? Are there any existing design guidelines or brand assets (e.g., logos, color schemes) that should be used?

Small to Medium

Set up a new HTML file with basic structure (header, navigation, content area). Create a CSS stylesheet to define the visual layout and styling of the HTML elements. Write basic JavaScript code to add interactivity and functionality to the HTML elements.

chaegribben commented 3 hours ago

Are there any specific requirements for the HTML structure or content?


Set up a new project directory and create basic file structure (e.g., index.html, styles.css, script.js) Create a basic HTML structure with a <!DOCTYPE html> declaration, <html>, <head>, and <body> elements. Write a simple CSS stylesheet to add basic styling (e.g., font sizes, colors). Write a basic JavaScript script to perform some initial functionality (e.g., animate an element on page load).

chaegribben commented 2 hours ago

Are there any specific functionalities or features that need to be included in the initial application?,Is there an existing design style guide or brand guidelines that should be followed for this project?


Set up a basic HTML structure (index.html) with a title, header, and footer. Create a new CSS file (styles.css) to style the HTML elements and layout of the page. Write the necessary JavaScript code (script.js) to enhance the functionality of the web application. Add any necessary dependencies or libraries required for the web application's functionality.

chaegribben commented 2 hours ago

Is there a specific type of web application that this starting point should support (e.g., responsive design, accessibility features)?,Are there any specific functional requirements or features that need to be implemented for this application?,Will the HTML structure and CSS styles need to be customized or will we start with a pre-made template?,Is there an existing brand identity or visual guidelines that need to be applied to the application?,Should the initial JavaScript functionality be simple, such as adding event listeners, or can it include more complex features like API calls?

Medium to Large

Set up a new project folder with the necessary files (HTML, CSS, and JS). Create a basic structure for the HTML file using a template or from scratch. Write initial CSS code to style the basic structure of the page. Create an empty JavaScript file and add a script tag to link it to the HTML file. Add some basic functionality to the JavaScript file, such as event listeners or animations, to make the application interactive.

chaegribben commented 1 hour ago

1-2 hours

Set up a new project directory. Create a basic HTML structure with essential elements (head, body, header, main, footer). Implement a simple CSS reset to normalize browser styles. Write initial JavaScript code to create interactive elements (e.g., buttons, links) and handle user interactions. Add a CSS stylesheet to style the application. Integrate any additional features or functionality as needed.

chaegribben commented 1 hour ago

What type of web application is being created?,Are there any specific design or branding guidelines that need to be followed?,Will the JavaScript code require any external libraries or frameworks?,Are there any accessibility or SEO considerations that need to be taken into account?

Small to Medium

Set up a new HTML file and create basic structure (header, navigation, content area). Create a new CSS file and define basic styles for layout, typography, colors. Write initial JavaScript code to interact with the DOM elements and add basic functionality (e.g., click event handling). Add any additional features or functionalities as required by the project. Test the application on different browsers and devices.

chaegribben commented 1 hour ago

Are there any specific requirements or features that need to be included in this initial starting point?

Small to Medium (estimated size: 8-12 hours)

Create a basic HTML structure with a main element that can contain content. Set up a basic CSS style sheet (less or more depending on requirements) that includes: