Property | Values | Description
-- | -- | --
Text-transform | None, uppercase, lowercase, capitalize, full-width | Modify text properties
Font-style | Normal, italic, oblique | Font styling options such as italics
Font-weight | Normal, weight, lighter, bolder, 100-900 | Other font styling options like change of emphasis such as making text bold
Text-decoration | None, underline, overline, line-through | Shorthand for auxiliary elements added to text using other properties such as text-decoration-line
Text-align | For horizontal alignment of text
-- | --
Text-align-last | Alignment for the last line when text set to justify
Text-combine-upright | Multiple characters into the space of a single character placed upright like in Mandarin
Text-decoration-color | Color configuration of the text-decoration
Text-decoration-line | Line type in text-decoration such as underline, overline and so on
Text-decoration-style | Styles added to lines under text such as wavy, dotted and so on
Text-decoration-thickness | Thickness of the decoration line
Text-emphasis | Shorthand for other properties such as color and style
Text-indent | The indentation of the first line
Text-justify | Specifies the justification method used when text-align is "justify"
Text-orientation | Orientation of text in a line such as sideways, upright and so on
Text-shadow | Adds shadow to text
Text-underline-position | Declare position of underline set using the text-decoration property
Property | Values | Description
-- | -- | --
Text-overflow | Clip, ellipsis | Determines overflow behavior of text with the container
Word-wrap | Normal, anywhere, break-word | Applies to inline elements, alias for overflow-wrap
Word-break | Normal, break-all, keep-all, break-word | Used for long words to decide if words should break or overflow
Writing-mode | Horizontal-tb, vertical-lr, vertical-rl | Can set the text direction vertical or horizontal