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use "monospace" as the final fallback code font #121

Closed evmar closed 8 years ago

evmar commented 8 years ago

All the code samples on the home page are in an ugly serifed font for me.

The CSS currently has: font-family: Monaco, Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Lucida Console, Terminal; which means that unless you have one of exactly that set of fonts installed, you get browser default.

The fix is to add "monospace" to the end of the list.

evmar commented 8 years ago

Fixes this issue, which I filed in the wrong repo

evmar commented 8 years ago

PS: there are other instances of monospaced font lists in this CSS, but they all specify "monospace" as the final fallback. But I wanted to note they use a different set of monospaced fonts.

keithamus commented 8 years ago

@martine fancy taking the time and going through all of the instances, normalising the font usage?

evmar commented 8 years ago

I am reluctant to touch the other bits because it will change the visual appearance of the site, and I don't know which aspects of the design are intentional.