chainHero / heroes-service

Short tutorial to build a blockchain application in Go with Hyperledger Fabric
Apache License 2.0
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Unable to invoke hello,transaction ID #14

Closed dzqoo closed 6 years ago

dzqoo commented 6 years ago

when I change the ledger state,i got the error listing below:

chaincode Installation & Instantiation Successful
 [fabric_sdk_go] 2018/06/12 03:37:48 UTC - msp.(*bccspmsp).DeserializeIdentity -> INFO Obtaining identity
 [fabric_sdk_go] 2018/06/12 03:37:48 UTC - msp.(*bccspmsp).DeserializeIdentity -> INFO Obtaining identity
Response from the query hello:world
 [fabric_sdk_go] 2018/06/12 03:37:48 UTC - msp.(*bccspmsp).DeserializeIdentity -> INFO Obtaining identity
 [fabric_sdk_go] 2018/06/12 03:37:48 UTC - msp.(*bccspmsp).DeserializeIdentity -> INFO Obtaining identity
Unable to invoke hello,transaction  ID:
 [fabric_sdk_go] 2018/06/12 03:37:50 UTC - msp.(*bccspmsp).DeserializeIdentity -> INFO Obtaining identity
 [fabric_sdk_go] 2018/06/12 03:37:50 UTC - msp.(*bccspmsp).DeserializeIdentity -> INFO Obtaining identity
Response from the query hello:world“
then I get the logs of the peer.There are the error logs.
"2018-06-12 11:37:50.304 CST [committer/txvalidator] validateTx -> ERRO 74e VSCCValidateTx for transaction txId = ffc7273ed93f1938a4ada29e1eb45a45b12112c3135b1acfd070be9f9b969ff8 returned error: VSCC error: endorsement policy failure, err: signature set did not satisfy policy

Who can tell me what to do? Thanks !

sshmaxime commented 6 years ago

Hello @dzqoo,

Can you please provide us your version of go and your operating system.

Are you "changing the ledger state" using the web application ?

dzqoo commented 6 years ago

Hello @MaximeAubanel The version of my go is 1.9 and mine operating system is centos 7. Now I just slove the problem.This is because the endorsement is supposed as Org2MSP,but I typed org2MSP... Thanks for your apply!