chainHero / heroes-service

Short tutorial to build a blockchain application in Go with Hyperledger Fabric
Apache License 2.0
275 stars 147 forks source link

Some *.pem keys expired #2

Closed tarasom closed 6 years ago

antitoine commented 6 years ago

Hi, thanks for the information. We are currently working on updating the tutorial. We are not far from having finished, there are still a few paragraphs missing. You can start using it now, everything is on the newVersion branch:

tittuvarghese commented 6 years ago

@antitoine How can I fix the certificate issue? Is there any way to renew those certificates without moving to the new version?

antitoine commented 6 years ago

You can generate a new crypto-config and artefacts files by following the tutorial provide by the Fabric Documentation:

This is the expiration date of each certificates:

            Not After : Apr 20 12:02:56 2027 GMT
            Not After : Apr 20 12:02:56 2027 GMT
            Not After : Feb 20 19:06:10 2018 GMT
            Not After : Feb 20 19:06:10 2018 GMT
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            Not After : Feb 20 19:06:10 2018 GMT
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            Not After : Dec 15 15:01:00 2017 GMT
            Not After : Jun 14 16:12:00 2018 GMT
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            Not After : Jun  7 16:12:00 2047 GMT
            Not After : Oct 11 19:31:00 2021 GMT
            Not After : Nov 27 12:24:00 2017 GMT

You can get this output with: find -type f | grep '\.pem' | xargs -I {} sh -c 'echo {}; openssl x509 -in {} -text | grep "Not After"'

So today, the following certificates are no longer valid:

tittuvarghese commented 6 years ago

Thanks, @antitoine for the help.

I have generated the certificates but still, I'm getting one error. Unable to initialize the Fabric SDK: CreateAndJoinChannel return error: Error querying channels for primary peer: QueryByChaincode return error: Error calling endorser 'localhost:7051': x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

Using the newly generated Certificates for orderer and peer, and for the localhost using the existing one provided in this tutorial.

Following is the log from ca_peerOrg1

2018/02/26 11:07:51 [DEBUG] TLS is enabled 2018/02/26 11:07:51 [DEBUG] Could not load TLS certificate with BCCSP: Could not find matching private key for SKI: CSP:500 - Failed getting key for SKI [[155 240 132 160 167 70 176 178 141 10 9 250 200 65 153 120 89 138 69 182 231 109 129 21 14 220 19 171 169 156 194 47]] /opt/gopath/src/*impl).GetKey /opt/gopath/src/ /opt/gopath/src/ /opt/gopath/src/*Server).listenAndServe /opt/gopath/src/*Server).Start /opt/gopath/src/ main.runStart /opt/gopath/src/*Command).execute /opt/gopath/src/*Command).ExecuteC /opt/gopath/src/*Command).Execute /opt/gopath/src/ main.RunMain /opt/gopath/src/ main.main /opt/go/src/runtime/proc.go:192 runtime.main /opt/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:2087 runtime.goexit Caused by: Key type not recognized 2018/02/26 11:07:51 [DEBUG] Attempting fallback with certfile /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/tls/server_localhost.pem and keyfile /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/tls/server_localhost-key.pem 2018/02/26 11:07:51 [DEBUG] Client authentication type requested: noclientcert

antitoine commented 6 years ago

I encourage you to use the new version of the tutorial that uses a real version of Fabric (not a RC). This has just been merged into master (#4). But, if someone finds a solution to generate new certificates for version, I'm interested.