chainHero / heroes-service

Short tutorial to build a blockchain application in Go with Hyperledger Fabric
Apache License 2.0
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Not able to integrate go sdk tried doing linden installation as well on my linux VM #30

Open pikvik opened 5 years ago

pikvik commented 5 years ago

Not able to integrate go sdk tried doing linden installation as well on my linux VM : Below is my complete log of terminal :

rrs-admin@rrs-blockchain:~$ go version go version go1.9.2 linux/amd64 rrs-admin@rrs-blockchain:~$ go get -u && \

cd $GOPATH/src/ && \ git checkout 614551a752802488988921a730b172dada7def1d Note: checking out '614551a752802488988921a730b172dada7def1d'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

git checkout -b

HEAD is now at 614551a7 [FAB-8299] Rename ChannelConfig to Config rrs-admin@rrs-blockchain:~/go/src/$ cd $GOPATH/src/ && \

make depend-install Installing dependencies ... Installing dep@v0.4.1 to /home/rrs-admin/go/bin ... HEAD is now at 37d9ea0a dep: Sharpen dep prune warning message rrs-admin@rrs-blockchain:~/go/src/$ cd $GOPATH/src/ ; \ make All files have SPDX-License-Identifier headers Populating vendor ... Running linters... Checking ./api You should check the following golint suggestions: api/apiconfig/mocks/mockconfig.go:7:1: don't use an underscore in package name end golint suggestions Checking ./def Checking ./pkg Checking ./test Checking changed go files for spelling errors ... spell checker passed Running unit tests... Testing with code level devstable (Fabric v1.1) ... ? [no test files] ok 3.128s coverage: 81.6% of statements ok 1.044s coverage: 100.0% of statements ok 1.111s coverage: 89.6% of statements ? [no test files] ok 1.017s coverage: 90.9% of statements ok 1.020s coverage: 95.7% of statements ok 1.020s coverage: 100.0% of statements ok 1.014s coverage: 100.0% of statements ok 1.026s coverage: 100.0% of statements ok 1.021s coverage: 97.6% of statements ok 2.067s coverage: 96.3% of statements ok 1.020s coverage: 40.0% of statements ok 1.044s coverage: 84.7% of statements ok 1.035s coverage: 48.7% of statements ok 1.025s coverage: 76.8% of statements ok 1.556s coverage: 80.3% of statements ? [no test files] ok 6.771s coverage: 78.4% of statements ? [no test files] ok 1.020s coverage: 66.7% of statements ok 1.011s coverage: 68.8% of statements ok 13.115s coverage: 86.4% of statements ok 11.058s coverage: 92.3% of statements ok 1.034s coverage: 39.0% of statements ok 1.018s coverage: 83.3% of statements ok 3.611s coverage: 58.6% of statements ok 8.051s coverage: 76.9% of statements ok 1.199s coverage: 86.4% of statements ok 1.074s coverage: 84.6% of statements ok 5.030s coverage: 100.0% of statements ok 1.138s coverage: 85.7% of statements ok 3.685s coverage: 85.4% of statements ok 7.401s coverage: 78.5% of statements ok 1.490s coverage: 79.4% of statements ok 1.044s coverage: 100.0% of statements ok 1.031s coverage: 84.2% of statements ok 1.936s coverage: 79.6% of statements ok 1.261s coverage: 83.8% of statements ok 1.025s coverage: 89.5% of statements ok 1.018s coverage: 100.0% of statements ok 1.022s coverage: 68.2% of statements ok 1.021s coverage: 38.5% of statements ok 1.025s coverage: 84.1% of statements ok 1.011s coverage: 95.7% of statements ok 1.029s coverage: 88.5% of statements ? [no test files] rm -Rf /tmp/enroll_user /tmp/msp /tmp/keyvaluestore /tmp/hfc-kvs /tmp/state rm -f integration-report.xml report.xml go clean FIXTURE_PROJECT_NAME=fabsdkgo DOCKER_REMOVE_FORCE=false test/scripts/ Removing docker-compose network created from fixtures ... Removing network fabsdkgo_default WARNING: Network fabsdkgo_default not found. make[1]: Entering directory '/home/rrs-admin/go/src/' rm -Rf /tmp/enroll_user /tmp/msp /tmp/keyvaluestore /tmp/hfc-kvs /tmp/state rm -f integration-report.xml report.xml go clean FIXTURE_PROJECT_NAME=fabsdkgo DOCKER_REMOVE_FORCE=false test/scripts/ Removing docker-compose network created from fixtures ... Removing network fabsdkgo_default WARNING: Network fabsdkgo_default not found. make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/rrs-admin/go/src/' make[1]: Entering directory '/home/rrs-admin/go/src/' rm -Rf /tmp/enroll_user /tmp/msp /tmp/keyvaluestore /tmp/hfc-kvs /tmp/state rm -f integration-report.xml report.xml go clean FIXTURE_PROJECT_NAME=fabsdkgo DOCKER_REMOVE_FORCE=false test/scripts/ Removing docker-compose network created from fixtures ... Removing network fabsdkgo_default WARNING: Network fabsdkgo_default not found. Creating network "fabsdkgo_default" with the default driver Pulling orderer1 ( x86_64-1.0.5: Pulling from hyperledger/fabric-orderer d5c6f90da05d: Pull complete 1300883d87d5: Pull complete c220aa3cfc1b: Pull complete 2e9398f099dc: Pull complete dc27a084064f: Pull complete 87675a6d4030: Pull complete 93e601aafda8: Pull complete e6a221e2ff1e: Pull complete 2f6e3f242afb: Pull complete c5700f4adeef: Pull complete Digest: sha256:1ebeab88938d3f22bf3f370cf1468752e47953aeec97524045634a1d74226c0b Status: Downloaded newer image for Pulling org1ca1 ( x86_64-1.0.5: Pulling from hyperledger/fabric-ca aafe6b5e13de: Pull complete 0a2b43a72660: Pull complete 18bdd1e546d2: Pull complete 8198342c3e05: Pull complete f56970a44fd4: Pull complete e32b597e7839: Pull complete a6e362fc71c4: Pull complete 00a3e68f8ca1: Pull complete db316ddc1de4: Pull complete af89e0b0f853: Pull complete 917d6c39b354: Pull complete Digest: sha256:1d9d7e0056651e39cf2c87ee270560d27d2974f50d1a7f97caade227fe2b68f5 Status: Downloaded newer image for Pulling builder ( x86_64-1.0.5: Pulling from hyperledger/fabric-ccenv d5c6f90da05d: Already exists 1300883d87d5: Already exists c220aa3cfc1b: Already exists 2e9398f099dc: Already exists dc27a084064f: Already exists 87675a6d4030: Already exists 93e601aafda8: Already exists 6be6b5cbce6b: Pull complete c90d7a44426d: Pull complete 9767b1c8440b: Pull complete b9b680c73863: Pull complete 49eef314041d: Pull complete f10afc3c7989: Pull complete 926c0cc81f1c: Pull complete Digest: sha256:cdcfdc7f073fbe67e13bc2ecafb234bba63eb67402b712aa00725e279e4a984d Status: Downloaded newer image for Pulling golangruntime ( x86_64-0.4.2: Pulling from hyperledger/fabric-baseos 9fb6c798fa41: Pull complete 3b61febd4aef: Pull complete 9d99b9777eb0: Pull complete d010c8cf75d7: Pull complete 7fac07fb303e: Pull complete 90da40a89164: Pull complete 0ad767d382a3: Pull complete Digest: sha256:a4050682b748a4c16f47ee4d53d2b4f64ab3026de538ce60dfcca1c319f73b7d Status: Downloaded newer image for Pulling org1peer1 ( x86_64-1.0.5: Pulling from hyperledger/fabric-peer d5c6f90da05d: Already exists 1300883d87d5: Already exists c220aa3cfc1b: Already exists 2e9398f099dc: Already exists dc27a084064f: Already exists 87675a6d4030: Already exists 93e601aafda8: Already exists e6a221e2ff1e: Already exists a2f7735b5594: Pull complete 7b6718530643: Pull complete Digest: sha256:70806bb555050c3f6baeed71f7648af7ff0d1b79c3a4cb7a991e06480d3dd39c Status: Downloaded newer image for Pulling integration-tests ( x86_64-0.4.2: Pulling from hyperledger/fabric-baseimage 9fb6c798fa41: Already exists 3b61febd4aef: Already exists 9d99b9777eb0: Already exists d010c8cf75d7: Already exists 7fac07fb303e: Already exists 90da40a89164: Already exists 0ad767d382a3: Already exists 5b6844bd5c3b: Pull complete b8c3ee398c82: Pull complete 8ce4a9cf2e05: Pull complete 2ad3fb81c00a: Pull complete Digest: sha256:a6ea2ea1fae3fec71b90aa1f8c9502ac2529848809eebfec02cf399003a1c857 Status: Downloaded newer image for bsdkgo_integration-tests_1 golangruntime_1 | WARNING: no logs are available with the 'none' log driver org1ca1_1 | WARNING: no logs are available with the 'none' log driver org2ca1_1 | WARNING: no logs are available with the 'none' log driver orderer1_1 | WARNING: no logs are available with the 'none' log driver builder_1 | WARNING: no logs are available with the 'none' log driver org2peer1_1 | WARNING: no logs are available with the 'none' log driver org1peer1_1 | WARNING: no logs are available with the 'none' log driver integration-tests_1 | Running integration tests ... integration-tests_1 | Testing with code level stable (Fabric v1.0) ... integration-tests_1 | ok 35.397s integration-tests_1 | [fabric_sdk_go] 2019/03/26 15:12:10 UTC - config.initConfig -> INFO config fabric_sdk_go logging level is set to: INFO integration-tests_1 | [fabric_sdk_go] 2019/03/26 15:12:10 UTC - config.initConfig -> INFO config fabric_sdk_go logging level is set to: INFO integration-tests_1 | [fabric_sdk_go] 2019/03/26 15:12:33 UTC - msp.(bccspmsp).DeserializeIdentity -> INFO Obtaining identity integration-tests_1 | [fabric_sdk_go] 2019/03/26 15:12:33 UTC - msp.(bccspmsp).DeserializeIdentity -> INFO Obtaining identity integration-tests_1 | [fabric_sdk_go] 2019/03/26 15:12:36 UTC - msp.(bccspmsp).DeserializeIdentity -> INFO Obtaining identity integration-tests_1 | [fabric_sdk_go] 2019/03/26 15:12:36 UTC - config.initConfig -> INFO config fabric_sdk_go logging level is set to: INFO integration-tests_1 | [fabric_sdk_go] 2019/03/26 15:12:58 UTC - urlutil.ToAddress -> WARN URL 'test:1111' has no prefix. Please enter a prefix as it will be mandatory in a future release integration-tests_1 | [fabric_sdk_go] 2019/03/26 15:12:58 UTC - urlutil.ToAddress -> WARN URL 'test:2222' has no prefix. Please enter a prefix as it will be mandatory in a future release integration-tests_1 | [fabric_sdk_go] 2019/03/26 15:13:01 UTC - config.initConfig -> INFO config fabric_sdk_go logging level is set to: INFO integration-tests_1 | [fabric_sdk_go] 2019/03/26 15:13:31 UTC - lib.(Client).initHTTPClient -> INFO TLS Enabled integration-tests_1 | --- FAIL: TestRegisterEnrollRevoke (0.00s) integration-tests_1 | fabric_ca_test.go:77: NewFabricCAClient return error: init failed: Failed to get client TLS config: Certificate provided has expired integration-tests_1 | [fabric_sdk_go] 2019/03/26 15:13:31 UTC - lib.(Client).initHTTPClient -> INFO TLS Enabled integration-tests_1 | --- FAIL: TestEnrollOrg2 (0.00s) integration-tests_1 | fabric_ca_test.go:177: NewFabricCAClient return error: init failed: Failed to get client TLS config: Certificate provided has expired integration-tests_1 | [fabric_sdk_go] 2019/03/26 15:13:31 UTC - lib.(Client).initHTTPClient -> INFO TLS Enabled integration-tests_1 | --- FAIL: TestEnrollAndTransact (0.04s) integration-tests_1 | fabric_ca_test.go:218: NewFabricCAClient returned error: init failed: Failed to get client TLS config: Certificate provided has expired integration-tests_1 | [fabric_sdk_go] 2019/03/26 15:13:31 UTC - config.initConfig -> INFO config fabric_sdk_go logging level is set to: INFO integration-tests_1 | [fabric_sdk_go] 2019/03/26 15:13:31 UTC - config.initConfig -> INFO config fabric_sdk_go logging level is set to: INFO integration-tests_1 | FAIL integration-tests_1 | FAIL 104.989s integration-tests_1 | ok 101.841s integration-tests_1 | ok 87.833s fabsdkgo_integration-tests_1 exited with code 1 Aborting on container exit...
Stopping fabsdkgo_org1peer1_1 ... done Stopping fabsdkgo_org2peer1_1 ... done Stopping fabsdkgo_builder_1 ... done Stopping fabsdkgo_orderer1_1 ... done Stopping fabsdkgo_org1ca1_1 ... done Stopping fabsdkgo_org2ca1_1 ... done Stopping fabsdkgo_golangruntime_1 ... done Makefile:216: recipe for target 'integration-tests-stable' failed make[1]: [integration-tests-stable] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/rrs-admin/go/src/' Makefile:264: recipe for target 'integration-test' failed make: [integration-test] Error 2

sshmaxime commented 5 years ago

Hello ! It seems to be an error relative to the fabric-sdk-go. The error message is basically saying that the certificates provided by fabric-sdk-go and used in their tests are expired. I would try again today, they probably renewed them by now. Let me know if it helps :)