chainHero / heroes-service

Short tutorial to build a blockchain application in Go with Hyperledger Fabric
Apache License 2.0
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I got a problem when fabsdk initialized #41

Open h0rs3fa11 opened 4 years ago

h0rs3fa11 commented 4 years ago
[fabsdk/fab] 2020/05/19 02:57:40 UTC - fab.detectDeprecatedNetworkConfig -> WARN Getting orderers from endpoint config channels.orderer is deprecated, use entity matchers to override orderer configuration
 [fabsdk/fab] 2020/05/19 02:57:40 UTC - fab.detectDeprecatedNetworkConfig -> WARN visit for samples
Unable to initialize the Fabric SDK: failed to create sdk: failed to initialize configuration: unable to load identity config: failed to initialize identity config from config backend: failed to create identity config from backends: failed to load all CA configs : failed to load server certs: open : no such file or directory

Go version: go version go1.13.11 linux/amd64 The config.yaml is same as Every path in config.yaml is exist

h0rs3fa11 commented 4 years ago

I changed config.yaml to the latest version and the problem has solved:)