chainbound / bolt

Bolt: permissionless out-of-protocol proposer commitments.
MIT License
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Sidecar: check user balance and nonce before sending commitments #102

Open thedevbirb opened 5 days ago

thedevbirb commented 5 days ago

In the context of the recent proposal of account abstraction it may be possible that a transaction changes the balance of an EOA without increasing its nonce, since it can be originated by another entity. As such, in the sidecar we should:

mempirate commented 5 days ago

@namn-grg another thing to research in the AA report is which incompatiblities there are with Bolt as of now

thedevbirb commented 3 days ago

Actually some balances checks are already implemented, see unstable branch as of now: Moreover, such logic has been a bit refactored by #117 as well.