chainguard-dev / apko

Build OCI images from APK packages directly without Dockerfile
Apache License 2.0
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local packages not picked up by apko #557

Open Lunarequest opened 1 year ago

Lunarequest commented 1 year ago

I used melange to build a apk and it created a local package repo. I used the following command to do this

docker run --rm --privileged -v "${PWD}":/work \                                                                                                                           build melange.yaml \
    --arch amd64,aarch64 \
    --repository-append packages --signing-key melange.rsa

I tried to use that to try and build an oci image using the following apko.yaml

    - '@local /work/packages'
    - ca-certificates-bundle
    - wolfi-base
    - Lunas-blog@local
    - groupname: nonroot
      gid: 65532
    - username: nonroot
      uid: 65532
  run-as: 65532
  command: /usr/bin/blog

I used this command to generate the oci image

docker run -v "$PWD":/work build --arch amd64,aarch64 apko.yaml blog:latest blog.tar

I originally thought this may have been an issue with podman so I installed docker and tried to use it instead, there was no effect so I'm led to believe this is an issue with apko

kaniini commented 1 year ago

Have you updated the apko image? What does apko version say?

Lunarequest commented 1 year ago

I have updated the image and apko version says

     _      ____    _  __   ___
    / \    |  _ \  | |/ /  / _ \
   / _ \   | |_) | | ' /  | | | |
  / ___ \  |  __/  | . \  | |_| |
 /_/   \_\ |_|     |_|\_\  \___/

GitVersion:    v0.7.1
GitCommit:     unknown
GitTreeState:  unknown
BuildDate:     unknown
GoVersion:     go1.20.1
Compiler:      gc
Platform:      linux/amd64
developer-guy commented 1 year ago

I've got the same problem the error says even if I specify the local packages as @local /work/packages:

Error: failed to build layer image: installing apk packages: error getting package dependencies: error getting repository indexes: failed to read repository @local/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz: open @local/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz: no such file or directory
2023/03/08 14:07:59 error during command execution: failed to build layer image: installing apk packages: error getting package dependencies: error getting repository indexes: failed to read repository @local/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz: open @local/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz: no such file or directory
satdeveloping commented 1 year ago

@Lunarequest I found a workaround with something like this:

    - /work/packages # List just a reference to the directory
    - ca-certificates-bundle
    - wolfi-base
    - Lunas-blog # No @local postFix
Lunarequest commented 1 year ago

I can confirm the above works ^

developer-guy commented 1 year ago

yep, @strongjz also recommended using the --keyring-append and --repository-append flags which both do the same thing above ^

kaniini commented 1 year ago

@deitch is masked packages working again in our implementation?

deitch commented 1 year ago

There was #539 which added it, and then #550 which fixed a single error. It has worked every time I tried it.

If we have a reproduction of an error, I am more than happy to tackle it.

deitch commented 1 year ago

Can we close this? I just ran another test, using the below apko.yaml, worked like a charm:

    - "@local /tmp/apk"
    - glibc@local
    - wolfi-baselayout@local

I copied down the glibc, glibc-locale-posix and wolfi-baselayout apk files to /tmp/apk.

Lunarequest commented 1 year ago

I pulled the latest with this apko.yaml modified with this patch

diff --git a/apko.yaml b/apko.yaml
index 913826a..743465e 100644
--- a/apko.yaml
+++ b/apko.yaml
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ contents:
-    - '/work/packages'
+    - "@local /work/packages"
     - ca-certificates-bundle
     - wolfi-baselayout
-    - Lunas-blog
+    - Lunas-blog@local
     - groupname: nonroot

and I still get this error

Error: failed to build layer image for "amd64": installing apk packages: error getting package dependencies: error getting repository indexes: failed to read repository @local/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz: open @local/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz: no such file or directory
2023/03/23 11:18:27 error during command execution: failed to build layer image for "amd64": installing apk packages: error getting package dependencies: error getting repository indexes: failed to read repository @local/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz: open @local/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz: no such file or directory
deitch commented 1 year ago

Did you mean ?

Lunarequest commented 1 year ago

Did you mean ?

yes sorry I copy pasted the wrong thing

deitch commented 1 year ago

Can you try the latest explicitly more recently?

Not 100% convinced that is the issue, but maybe it is a tagging issue; let's rule it out.

Lunarequest commented 1 year ago

that's the exact command and the output

docker run --rm -v "${PWD}":/work \                                                                                                                                           
    -e REF="${REF}" \
    --entrypoint sh \  -c \
        'echo "${GITHUB_TOKEN}" | \         
            apko login -u "${GITHUB_USERNAME}" --password-stdin && \
            apko publish --debug apko.yaml \
                "${REF}" -k \
                --arch amd64'
Emulate Docker CLI using podman. Create /etc/containers/nodocker to quiet msg.
Trying to pull
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 53a8597c4d4e done  
Copying config e7ae5c2612 done  
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
2023/03/23 11:34:58 logged in via /root/.docker/config.json
Mar 23 11:34:58.102 [INFO] loading config file: apko.yaml
Mar 23 11:34:58.102 [INFO] [arch:x86_64] detected git+ssh:// as VCS URL
Mar 23 11:34:58.102 [INFO] [arch:x86_64] Publishing images for 1 architectures: [amd64]
Mar 23 11:34:58.102 [INFO] [arch:x86_64] building tags []
Mar 23 11:34:58.102 [INFO] loading config file: apko.yaml
Mar 23 11:34:58.102 [INFO] [arch:x86_64] detected git+ssh:// as VCS URL
Mar 23 11:34:58.103 [INFO] [arch:x86_64] build context:
Mar 23 11:34:58.103 [INFO] [arch:x86_64]   working directory: /tmp/apko-3326349783/x86_64
Mar 23 11:34:58.103 [INFO] [arch:x86_64]   tarball path: 
Mar 23 11:34:58.103 [INFO] [arch:x86_64]   source date: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
Mar 23 11:34:58.103 [INFO] [arch:x86_64]   Docker mediatypes: false
Mar 23 11:34:58.103 [INFO] [arch:x86_64]   SBOM output path: 
Mar 23 11:34:58.103 [INFO] [arch:x86_64]   arch: x86_64
Mar 23 11:34:58.103 [INFO] [arch:x86_64] image configuration:
Mar 23 11:34:58.103 [INFO] [arch:x86_64]   contents:
Mar 23 11:34:58.103 [INFO] [arch:x86_64]     repositories: [ @local /work/packages]
Mar 23 11:34:58.103 [INFO] [arch:x86_64]     keyring:      []
Mar 23 11:34:58.103 [INFO] [arch:x86_64]     packages:     [ca-certificates-bundle wolfi-baselayout Lunas-blog@local]
Mar 23 11:34:58.103 [INFO] [arch:x86_64]   entrypoint:
Mar 23 11:34:58.103 [INFO] [arch:x86_64]     type:    
Mar 23 11:34:58.103 [INFO] [arch:x86_64]     command:     /usr/bin/blog
Mar 23 11:34:58.103 [INFO] [arch:x86_64]     service: map[]
Mar 23 11:34:58.103 [INFO] [arch:x86_64]     shell fragment: 
Mar 23 11:34:58.103 [INFO] [arch:x86_64]   accounts:
Mar 23 11:34:58.103 [INFO] [arch:x86_64]     runas:  65532
Mar 23 11:34:58.103 [INFO] [arch:x86_64]     users:
Mar 23 11:34:58.103 [INFO] [arch:x86_64]       - uid=65532(nonroot) gid=0
Mar 23 11:34:58.103 [INFO] [arch:x86_64]     groups:
Mar 23 11:34:58.103 [INFO] [arch:x86_64]       - gid=65532(nonroot) members=[]
Mar 23 11:34:58.103 [INFO] [arch:x86_64] doing pre-flight checks
Mar 23 11:34:58.103 [INFO] [arch:x86_64] building image fileystem in /tmp/apko-3326349783/x86_64
Mar 23 11:34:58.103 [INFO] [arch:x86_64] initializing apk database
Mar 23 11:34:59.622 [INFO] [arch:x86_64] finished initializing apk database
Mar 23 11:34:59.622 [INFO] [arch:x86_64] setting apk world
Mar 23 11:34:59.623 [INFO] [arch:x86_64] initializing apk keyring
Mar 23 11:34:59.623 [INFO] [arch:x86_64] setting apk repositories
Mar 23 11:34:59.623 [DEBUG] [arch:x86_64] appending 1 extra keys to keyring
Mar 23 11:34:59.623 [DEBUG] [arch:x86_64] installing key
Mar 23 11:34:59.623 [DEBUG] [arch:x86_64] installing key
Mar 23 11:34:59.623 [DEBUG] [arch:x86_64] installing key
Mar 23 11:34:59.854 [INFO] [arch:x86_64] synchronizing with desired apk world
Mar 23 11:34:59.854 [INFO] [arch:x86_64] determining desired apk world
Error: failed to build layer image for "amd64": installing apk packages: error getting package dependencies: error getting repository indexes: failed to read repository @local/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz: open @local/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz: no such file or directory
2023/03/23 11:34:59 error during command execution: failed to build layer image for "amd64": installing apk packages: error getting package dependencies: error getting repository indexes: failed to read repository @local/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz: open @local/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz: no such file or directory
deitch commented 1 year ago

OK @Lunarequest I can reproduce it now using the image, although a locally built version fails. It would help if I could see the commit on your version, but there is something wrong with the version output, see #591

In any case, your issue is fixed, but for some reason is not picked up in the published images. Let's hunt that down.

Thanks for the patience in figuring this out.

deitch commented 1 year ago

Good suggestion from @kaniini , can you try this image?

Lunarequest commented 1 year ago

Good suggestion from @kaniini , can you try this image?

how would i use it?

deitch commented 1 year ago

Oh sorry. Forgot that it is the whole big sdk, not just apko.

This is what I do:

$ docker run -it --rm -v /path/to/apko.yaml:/tmp/apko.yaml:ro

Welcome to the development environment!

[sdk] ❯ apko build /tmp/apko.yaml apko /tmp/output.tar
kaniini commented 1 year ago

You can use it the same way you are using the apko image.

nlamirault commented 1 year ago

I've got the same problem. I try that with the sdk image:

[sdk] ❯ apko build work/apko.yaml apko /tmp/output.tar -k work/ --arch host
ℹ            | loading config file: work/apko.yaml
ℹ  aarch64   | Building images for 1 architectures: [arm64]
ℹ  aarch64   | building tags [apko]
ℹ            | loading config file: work/apko.yaml
ℹ  aarch64   | detected git+ssh:// as VCS URL
ℹ  aarch64   | doing pre-flight checks
ℹ  aarch64   | building apk info in /tmp/apko-2619998972/aarch64
ℹ  aarch64   | initializing apk database
2023/08/18 07:35:23 [DEBUG] GET
2023/08/18 07:35:23 [DEBUG] GET
2023/08/18 07:35:23 [DEBUG] GET
ℹ  aarch64   | finished initializing apk database
ℹ  aarch64   | initializing apk keyring
ℹ  aarch64   | setting apk world
ℹ  aarch64   | setting apk repositories
ℹ  aarch64   | build context:
ℹ  aarch64   | build options:
        "withVCS": true,
        "workDir": "/tmp/apko-2619998972/aarch64",
        "tags": [
        "sourceDateEpoch": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "sbomPath": "/tmp/apko-2619998972/image",
        "sbomFormats": [
        "extraKeyFiles": [
        "arch": "arm64",
        "Log": {
                "Out": {},
                "Fields": null,
                "Level": 4
ℹ  aarch64   | image configuration:
ℹ  aarch64   |   contents:
ℹ  aarch64   |     repositories: [ @local /work/packages]
ℹ  aarch64   |     keyring:      []
ℹ  aarch64   |     packages:     [alpine-baselayout-data ca-certificates-bundle tzdata busybox curl wget portefaix-distroless@local]
ℹ  aarch64   |   entrypoint:
ℹ  aarch64   |     type:
ℹ  aarch64   |     command:     /usr/bin/
ℹ  aarch64   |     service: map[]
ℹ  aarch64   |     shell fragment:
ℹ  aarch64   |   accounts:
ℹ  aarch64   |     runas:  65532
ℹ  aarch64   |     users:
ℹ  aarch64   |       - uid=65532(nonroot) gid=65532
ℹ  aarch64   |     groups:
ℹ  aarch64   |       - gid=65532(nonroot) members=[]
ℹ  aarch64   |     annotations:
ℹ  aarch64   |       org.opencontainers.image.source:
ℹ  aarch64   |       org.opencontainers.image.documentation:
ℹ  aarch64   |       org.opencontainers.image.url:
ℹ  aarch64   | synchronizing with desired apk world
ℹ  aarch64   | determining desired apk world
2023/08/18 07:35:23 [DEBUG] HEAD
2023/08/18 07:35:24 [DEBUG] HEAD
ℹ  aarch64   | creating group 65532(nonroot)
⚠  aarch64   | did not find /etc/os-release at etc/os-release
⚠  aarch64   | distro ID not specified and /etc/os-release does not already exist
ℹ  aarch64   | generating supervision tree
ℹ  aarch64   | finished building filesystem in /tmp/apko-2619998972/aarch64
ℹ  aarch64   | built image layer tarball as /tmp/apko-temp-3961776234/apko-aarch64.tar.gz
ℹ  aarch64   | building image from layer
ℹ  aarch64   | OCI layer digest: sha256:b9d541b40cf1b933734184b09bae78b1a3f6ac5c9f56f044c1e90550c37ef54e
ℹ  aarch64   | OCI layer diffID: sha256:f52ecb904ede1a12eca158ce479aceb08feff4a24eb5b327fbe4d0f13efc223d
ℹ            | loading config file: work/apko.yaml
ℹ  aarch64   | detected git+ssh:// as VCS URL
ℹ  aarch64   | doing pre-flight checks
ℹ  aarch64   | building apk info in /tmp/apko-2619998972
ℹ  aarch64   | initializing apk database
2023/08/18 07:35:25 [DEBUG] GET
2023/08/18 07:35:25 [DEBUG] GET
2023/08/18 07:35:25 [DEBUG] GET
ℹ  aarch64   | finished initializing apk database
ℹ  aarch64   | initializing apk keyring
ℹ  aarch64   | setting apk repositories
ℹ  aarch64   | setting apk world
ℹ  aarch64   | built index file as /tmp/apko-temp-2343703950/index.json
INFO[0002] Generating arch image SBOMs
ℹ  aarch64   | Generating image SBOM for arm64
ℹ  aarch64   | Generating index SBOM
INFO[0002] Final index tgz at: /tmp/output.tar
nlamirault commented 1 year ago

how can we fix this ?

ferozsalam commented 6 months ago

As far as I can tell the @local syntax (or any pinning syntax) no longer works (for example, the config as defined in no longer installs the correct version of nginx when it's run.

The code referenced in also no longer appears to exist either.

As others have stated above, the only solution I have found is to avoid using the pinning syntax entirely, and reference the necessary repositories directly. The ordering of the repositories also appears to matter if you have a package which is available by the same name in multiple repositories (packaging is not my area of expertise!).

hpedrorodrigues commented 2 months ago

Unfortunately, I have not found documentation about this.

So, if someone wants to do something similar, here are two working examples:

Hopefully, it may help someone else.