chainguard-dev / malcontent

detect malicious program behaviors
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Refactor bincapz around scan/analyze/diff subcommands #440

Closed tstromberg closed 2 weeks ago

tstromberg commented 3 weeks ago

Quality of life & code improvement:

[CRIT] /home/x/bin/launcher matches: Linux/FRP.a; Froof.Z
[HIGH] /home/x/bin/golint matches: possible crypto miner

Tip: For more details, run bincapz analyze <path>

(For scan, it shouldn't show items that fall below the priority of the highest match)

egibs commented 3 weeks ago

I'll work this in to since it will be much more straightforward with the new framework.

egibs commented 2 weeks ago

I have a working version of this in #436 --


$ go run . analyze samples/linux/clean/ls.x86_64
samples/linux/clean/ls.x86_64 [⚠️ MEDIUM]
RISK  KEY                  DESCRIPTION                            EVIDENCE
LOW   env/TERM             Look up or override terminal settings  TERM
LOW   fs/link/read         read value of a symbolic link          readlink
LOW   kernel/hostname/get  get computer host name                 gethostname
LOW   ref/site/url         contains embedded HTTPS URLs 
MED   process/name/set     get or set the current process name    __progname


$ go run . scan samples/linux/clean/ls.x86_64
samples/linux/clean/ls.x86_64 [⚠️ MEDIUM]
RISK  KEY               DESCRIPTION                          EVIDENCE
MED   process/name/set  get or set the current process name  __progname

If we want to focus solely on high/critical findings for scan, I can filter out the other findings.

egibs commented 2 weeks ago

Example when filtering out anything less than a 3 risk score: analyze:

$ go run . analyze samples/macOS/2023.3CX/libffmpeg.dirty.dylib
samples/macOS/2023.3CX/libffmpeg.dirty.dylib [🚨 CRITICAL]
RISK  KEY                               DESCRIPTION                                            EVIDENCE
LOW   compression/gzip                  works with gzip files                                  gzip
LOW   crypto/aes                        Supports AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)            AES
LOW   encoding/base64                   Supports base64 encoded strings                        base64
LOW   env/HOME                          Looks up the HOME directory for the current user       HOME
LOW   env/TERM                          Look up or override terminal settings                  TERM
LOW   fs/directory/create               creates directories                                    mkdir
LOW   fs/lock/update                    apply or remove an advisory lock on a file             flock
LOW   kernel/dispatch/semaphore         Uses Dispatch Semaphores                               dispatch_semaphore_signal
LOW   kernel/hostname/get               get computer host name                                 gethostname
LOW   net/http/accept/encoding          set HTTP response encoding format (example: gzip)      Accept-Encoding
LOW   net/url                           Handles URL strings                                    NSURL
LOW   process/multithreaded             creates pthreads                                       pthread_create
LOW   random/insecure                   generate random numbers insecurely                     _rand
LOW   sync/semaphore/user               uses semaphores to synchronize data between processes  semaphore_create
                                        or threads                                             semaphore_signal
MED   evasion/base64/decode             decode base64 strings                                  base64_decode
MED   exec/pipe                         launches program and reads its output                  _pclose
MED   fs/permission/modify              modifies file permissions                              chmod
MED   net/http/cookies                  access HTTP resources using cookies                    Cookie
MED   net/http/post                     submit content to websites                             HTTP
MED   net/url/request                   requests resources via URL                             NSMutableURLRequest
MED   ref/path/hidden                   hidden path generated dynamically                      %s/.main_storage
MED   ref/path/tmp                      path reference within /tmp                             /tmp/%sXXXXXX
MED   ref/words/agent                   references an 'agent'                                  user_agent
MED   shell/arbitrary_command/dev_null  runs commands, discards output                         "%s" >/dev/null
CRIT  3P/signature_base/3cxdesktopapp/  Detects 3CXDesktopApp MacOS Backdoor component, by     $op1
      backdoor                          X__Junior (Nextron Systems)                            $op2
CRIT  3P/signature_base/nk/3cx          Detects malicious DYLIB files related to 3CX           $xc1
                                        compromise, by Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)          $xc2
CRIT  3P/signature_base/susp/xored      Detects suspicious single byte XORed keyword           $xo1
                                        'Mozilla/5.0' - it uses yara's XOR modifier and
                                        therefore cannot print the XOR key, by Florian Roth
CRIT  3P/volexity/iconic                Detects the MACOS version of the ICONIC loader., by    $str1
CRIT  evasion/xor/user_agent            XOR'ed user agent, often found in backdoors, by        7OTJ::$Mozilla_5_0
                                        Florian Roth


$ go run . scan samples/macOS/2023.3CX/libffmpeg.dirty.dylib
samples/macOS/2023.3CX/libffmpeg.dirty.dylib [🚨 CRITICAL]
RISK  KEY                               DESCRIPTION                                          EVIDENCE
CRIT  3P/signature_base/3cxdesktopapp/  Detects 3CXDesktopApp MacOS Backdoor component, by   $op1
      backdoor                          X__Junior (Nextron Systems)                          $op2
CRIT  3P/signature_base/nk/3cx          Detects malicious DYLIB files related to 3CX         $xc1
                                        compromise, by Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)        $xc2
CRIT  3P/signature_base/susp/xored      Detects suspicious single byte XORed keyword         $xo1
                                        'Mozilla/5.0' - it uses yara's XOR modifier and
                                        therefore cannot print the XOR key, by Florian Roth
CRIT  3P/volexity/iconic                Detects the MACOS version of the ICONIC loader., by  $str1
CRIT  evasion/xor/user_agent            XOR'ed user agent, often found in backdoors, by      7OTJ::$Mozilla_5_0
                                        Florian Roth