chainguard-dev / osqtool

Automated testing, generation & manipulation of #osquery packs
Apache License 2.0
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pack: "\n" in queries is converted to newlines, creating invalid JSON #27

Closed tstromberg closed 1 month ago

tstromberg commented 2 months ago

This query isn't packing properly:

Example output - look for $blank:

    "suspicious-systemd-unit": {
      "query": "SELECT file.path, file.size, file.btime, file.ctime, file.mtime, hash.sha256, yara.* FROM file JOIN yara ON file.path = yara.path JOIN hash ON file.path = hash.path WHERE file.path IN ( SELECT DISTINCT(fragment_path) FROM systemd_units WHERE fragment_path LIKE \"%.service\" AND NOT fragment_path LIKE \"/run/systemd/generator.late/%\" ) AND yara.sigrule = ' rule systemd_execstart_danger_path_val : high { meta: ref = \"\" description = \"Starts from a dangerous-looking path\" strings: $awkward = /ExecStart=\\/(boot|var|tmp|dev|root)\\/[\\.\\w\\-\\/]{0,32}/ condition: filesize < 102400 and $awkward }  rule systemd_execstart_elsewhere : medium { meta: description = \"Starts from an unusual path\" ref = \"\" hash_2023_Downloads_kinsing = \"05d02411668f4ebd576a24ac61cc84e617bdb66aa819581daa670c65f1a876f0\" hash_2023_articles_https_pberba_github_io_security_2022_02_07_linux_threat_hunting_for_persistence_systemd_generators = \"8c227f67a16162ffd5b453a478ced2950eba4cbe3b004c5cc935fb9551dc2289\" hash_2024_2024_Spinning_YARN_yarn_fragments = \"723326f8551f2a92ccceeec93859f58df380a3212e7510bc64181f2a0743231c\" strings: $execstart = /ExecStart=\\/[\\w\\/]{1,128}/ $not_bin = \"ExecStart=/bin/\" $not_bin_true = \"ExecStart=/bin/true\" $not_etc_rcd = \"ExecStart=/etc/rc.d/rc.local\" $not_etc_rc_local = \"ExecStart=/etc/rc.local\" $not_init_d = \"ExecStart=/etc/init.d/\" $not_lib = \"ExecStart=/lib/\" $not_motd = \"ExecStart=/etc/update-motd.d/\" $not_opt = \"ExecStart=/opt/\" $not_sbin = \"ExecStart=/sbin/\" $not_usr_bin = \"ExecStart=/usr/bin/\" $not_usr_libexec = \"ExecStart=/usr/libexec/\" $not_usr_lib = \"ExecStart=/usr/lib/\" $not_usr_local = \"ExecStart=/usr/local/\" $not_usr_sbin = \"ExecStart=/usr/sbin/\" $not_usr_share = \"ExecStart=/usr/share/\" condition: filesize < 102400 and $execstart and none of ($not_*) }  rule systemd_execstop_elsewhere : medium { meta: ref = \"\" description = \"Runs program from unexpected directory at stop\" strings: $execstop = /ExecStop=\\/[\\w\\.\\_\\-]{2,64}/ $not_lib = \"ExecStop=/lib/\" $not_opt = \"ExecStart=/opt/\" $not_sbin = \"ExecStop=/sbin/\" $not_usr_libexec = \"ExecStop=/usr/libexec/\" $not_usr_lib = \"ExecStop=/usr/lib/\" $not_usr_local = \"ExecStop=/usr/local/\" $not_usr_sbin = \"ExecStop=/usr/sbin/\" $not_usr_share = \"ExecStop=/usr/share/\" condition: filesize < 384 and $execstop and none of ($not*) }  rule systemd_small_no_blank_lines : high { meta: ref = \"\" hash_2023_Downloads_kinsing = \"05d02411668f4ebd576a24ac61cc84e617bdb66aa819581daa670c65f1a876f0\" strings: $execstart = \"ExecStart\" $blank = \"\ \
    \ \
    \" $not_dbus = \"Type=dbus\" $not_after = /After=\\w/ $not_before = /Before=\\w{1,128}/ $not_notify = \"Type=notify\" condition: filesize < 512 and $execstart and not $blank and none of ($not*) }  rule systemd_small_multiuser_no_comments_or_documentation : high { meta: ref = \"\" description = \"systemd unit is undocumented\" strings: $execstart = \"ExecStart=\" $multiuser = \"\" $not_comment = \"# \" $not_documentation = \"Documentation=\" $not_requires_socket = /Requires=.{0,64}socket/ $not_condition_path = \"Condition\" $not_after = \"After=\" $not_systemd = \"ExecStart=systemd-\" $not_output = \"StandardOutput=\" $not_part_of = \"PartOf=\" $not_dbus = \"Type=dbus\" $not_oneshot = \"Type=oneshot\" $not_lima = \"Description=lima-guestagent\" condition: filesize < 384 and $execstart and $multiuser and none of ($not_*) } rule systemd_small_no_output : high { meta: description = \"Discards all logging output\" strings: $output_null = \"StandardOutput=null\" $error_null = \"StandardError=null\" $not_input_null = \"StandardInput=null\" $not_syslog = \"syslog\" $not_before = \"Before=\" $not_display = \"WantedBy=display-manager.service\" condition: filesize < 384 and ($output_null and $error_null) and none of ($not*) }  rule systemd_small_multiuser_not_in_dependency_tree : high { meta: description = \"Relies on nothing, nothing relies on it\" hash_2023_Downloads_kinsing = \"05d02411668f4ebd576a24ac61cc84e617bdb66aa819581daa670c65f1a876f0\" strings: $execstart = \"ExecStart=\" $multiuser = \"\" $not_after = /After=\\w/ $not_before = /Before=\\w{1,128}/ $not_requires = /Requires=\\w/ $not_condition = \"Condition\" $not_oneshot = \"Type=oneshot\" $not_default = \"DefaultDependencies=no\" $not_env = \"EnvironmentFile=\" $not_bus = \"BusName=\" $not_idle = \"Type=idle\" $not_systemd = \"ExecStart=systemd-\" $not_lima = \"Description=lima-guestagent\" condition: filesize < 384 and $execstart and $multiuser and none of ($not_*) }  rule sytemd_small_type_forking_not_in_dep_tree : high { meta: hash_2023_Txt_Malware_Sustes_0e77 = \"0e77291955664d2c25d5bfe617cec12a388e5389f82dee5ae4fd5c5d1f1bdefe\" hash_2023_Unix_Malware_Kaiji_3e68 = \"3e68118ad46b9eb64063b259fca5f6682c5c2cb18fd9a4e7d97969226b2e6fb4\" hash_2023_Unix_Malware_Kaiji_f4a6 = \"f4a64ab3ffc0b4a94fd07a55565f24915b7a1aaec58454df5e47d8f8a2eec22a\" strings: $forking = \"Type=forking\" $not_after = /After=\\w/ $not_before = /Before=\\w{1,128}/ $not_condition = \"ConditionPath\" $not_oneshot = \"Type=oneshot\" $not_default_deps = \"DefaultDependencies=no\" $not_env = \"EnvironmentFile=\" $not_bus = \"BusName=\" $not_idle = \"Type=idle\" $not_systemd = \"ExecStart=systemd-\" $not_default_target = \"\" condition: filesize < 384 and $forking and none of ($not_*) }  rule systemd_small_restart_always : medium { meta: description = \"service restarts no matter how many times it crashes\" hash_2023_Downloads_kinsing = \"05d02411668f4ebd576a24ac61cc84e617bdb66aa819581daa670c65f1a876f0\" strings: $restart = \"Restart=always\" $not_syslog = \"SyslogLevel=\" $not_gpl = \"GPL-2.0-only\" $not_after = /After=\\w/ $not_before = /Before=\\w{1,128}/ $not_notify = \"Type=notify\" condition: filesize < 384 and $restart and none of ($not*) }  rule systemd_small_short_description { meta: description = \"Short or no description\" strings: $execstart = \"ExecStart=\" $short_desc = /Description=\ \
    / condition: filesize < 384 and all of them }  rule systemd_nice_execstart_restart_no_comment { meta: description = \"Sets nice value and restarts always without comments, possible miner\" strings: $has_execstart = \"ExecStart=\" $has_restart = \"Restart=always\" $has_nice = \"Nice=\" $not_comment = \"#\" condition: filesize < 4096 and all of ($has*) and none of ($not*) }  rule usr_bin_execstop_shell : medium { meta: ref = \"\" description = \"Runs shell script at stop\" strings: $execstop = /ExecStop=\\/bin\\/sh .{0,64}/ $not_podman_logging = \"/usr/bin/podman $LOGGING\" condition: filesize < 4096 and $execstop and none of ($not*) }  rule systemd_hidden_execstart : critical { meta: description = \"ExecStart references hidden file\" strings: $path_top_bin = /ExecStart=\\/\\.[\\w\\/]+/ $path_sub_bin = /ExecStart=\\/\\w[\\w\\/]*\\/\\.\\w+/ $path_arg_sub = /ExecStart=.* \\/\\w[\\w\\/]*\\/\\.\\w+/ $path_arg_top = /ExecStart=.* \\/\\.[\\w\\/]+/ $not_autorelabel = \"/.autorelabel\" $not_exists = \"ConditionPathExists\" $not_ksysguard = \"/.ksysguard/ksgrd_network_helper\" condition: any of ($path*) and none of ($not*) }  rule systemd_hidden_execstop : critical { meta: description = \"ExecStop references hidden file\" strings: $path_top_bin = /ExecStart=\\/\\.[\\w\\/]+/ $path_sub_bin = /ExecStart=\\/\\w[\\w\\/]*\\/\\.\\w+/ $path_arg_sub = /ExecStart=.* \\/\\w[\\w\\/]*\\/\\.\\w+/ $path_arg_top = /ExecStart=.* \\/\\.[\\w\\/]+/  $not_autorelabel = \"/.autorelabel\" $not_exists = \"ConditionPathExists\" condition: any of ($path*) and none of ($not*) }  rule systemd_hidden_working_directory : critical { meta: description = \"WorkingDirectory is a hidden\" strings: $ref = /WorkingDirectory=.*\\/\\..*/ condition: any of them } '  AND yara.count > 0;",
      "interval": "4500",
      "platform": "linux",
      "description": "Funky systemd units, may be evidence of persistence"
tstromberg commented 1 month ago

PR is under review.