chainguard-dev / pombump

Playing around with a tool for updating POM dependencies
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parser does not seem to parse some parts of the XML correctly. #5

Open vaikas opened 4 months ago

vaikas commented 4 months ago

I'm using to parse the original pom.xml file. It seems to not parse some sections of the XML correctly though, even when just round-tripping an XML file with no patches, there are differences, so I need to dig into it. Maybe some of these are marshaling issues, but some for sure are losing information on the parsing. Here's some things I'm seeing diffs in:


<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">


<project xmlns="" xsi="" schemaLocation="">

This is for sure being dropped on the parsing (as debugged by looking at the actual structs returned):

                        <!--suppress MavenModelInspection -->
                        <configuration combine.children="merge">
                            <!-- forking not required due to JVM flags in .mvn/jvm.config -->
                            <!-- see -->
                            <!-- Do not fail on error-prone's warnings even for modules using -->
                            <!-- TODO silence warnings we choose to ignore and raise important warnings to error and then remove <failOnWarning> -->
                                    -Xplugin:ErrorProne \
                                    -Xep:AnnotateFormatMethod:ERROR \
                                    -Xep:BadComparable:ERROR \
                                    -Xep:BadInstanceof:ERROR \
                                    -Xep:BoxedPrimitiveConstructor:ERROR \
                                    -Xep:ClassCanBeStatic:ERROR \
    <!-- SNIP SNIP SNIP SNIP -->




vaikas commented 4 months ago

The second part has been fixed here: