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Thanos latest sidecar bug #2827

Open ltagliaferri opened 3 weeks ago

ltagliaferri commented 3 weeks ago

Which image/versions are related to this issue/feature request?

Prometheus and Thanos

Issue/Feature description

As reported by in

Describe the bug when deploying thanos as a sidecar with the sidecar configuration, the reloader was never triggering resulting in a prometheus crashback loop.

To Reproduce deploy prometheus community helm chart using chainguard latest images. following these directions. here

using both chainguard latest for prometheus and thanos results in failure, however switching the thanos image back to the standard quay image the reloader config works and prometheus starts up.

Expected behavior both pods should start up and thanos sidecar should be deploying its reloader configs to rebuild the prometheus.yml for prometheus to startup

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

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Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

this is related to a thanos regression [ here](

cgibbs35 commented 3 weeks ago

this is related to a thanos regression