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[OpenBazaar/openbazaar-go]: Programmatically generate ssl certs #15

Closed chaintip closed 6 years ago

chaintip commented 6 years ago

Repository: OpenBazaar/openbazaar-go Issue #868: Programmatically generate ssl certs

Create a gencerts command (cmd/gencerts.go) that will automatically generate self signed SSL certificates that can be used by the OpenBazaar electron client running on a remote machine. This is to make it easier for users to set up an instance on a remote machine and avoid manually typing openssl commands.

I gave it a go here but could not get the client to accept the generated cert.

@chaintip $50

Total Bounty: 0.03317627 BCH| ~ 13.63 USD

To claim this bounty, get a pull request merged with @chaintip fixes #868 in the creation comment.

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