chaintope / bitcoinrb

The implementation of the bitcoin protocol for ruby.
MIT License
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Fix opcode method to use ord #60

Closed fryota142 closed 3 years ago

fryota142 commented 3 years ago

Changed to use ord because each_byte method was slow. Benchmark results are listed below.

# use this rawtransaction
raw_tx = "01000000000101cdf9ce825aba7f777899cc76243946a62d9ecb6c9805d30faa5a690d862344d70000000000ffffffff0253a2800200000000160014e3324f11cd2d4715c9d09186d0677d3f18fc0cc8e8c61100000000001976a91498cba7ee7618b76d19b4952a4240b954609b75cb88ac0247304402204ed43722821e458b98295824079ad4a04f5a55df8aa3339e89ebc7138d45e1ca022076b925a51996eb2797a0f870855d73220950e7a91d5d8f0cc11bc9e2c68551ba012103e67c2c0435bd1b6478ae327e4746d788a01e2f6e669506cb1a0515b9a708c74b00000000"


irb > n = 100000
irb > do |x|
irb > { n.times do ; Bitcoin::Tx.parse_from_payload(raw_tx.htb); end }
irb > end
       user     system      total        real
   5.003670   0.378110   5.381780 (  5.390959)
=> [#<Benchmark::Tms:0x00007f92ea0fbd18 @label="", @real=5.390958999982104, @cstime=0.0, @cutime=0.0, @stime=0.37811000000000006, @utime=5.00367, @total=5.38178>]


irb >   n = 100000
irb > do |x|
irb > { n.times do ; Bitcoin::Tx.parse_from_payload(raw_tx.htb); end }
irb > end
       user     system      total        real
   2.513904   0.006857   2.520761 (  2.527589)
=> [#<Benchmark::Tms:0x00007fa3e71ffe40 @label="", @real=2.5275890000048093, @cstime=0.0, @cutime=0.0, @stime=0.006857000000000002, @utime=2.513904, @total=2.5207610000000003>]