chaione / chaitools

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`chaitools bootstrap ios` when running `fastlane bootstrap_chai_tools_setup` #4

Open yfujiki opened 6 years ago

yfujiki commented 6 years ago

It fetches swiftformat and ChaiTools Fastlane scripts, but cannot find bootstrap_chai_tools_setup lane.

Here is part of the log :

Running `fastlane bootstrap_chai_tools_setup`
|                       Used plugins                        |
| Plugin                 | Version | Action                 |
| fastlane-plugin-badge  | 1.0.0   | add_badge              |
| fastlane-plugin-aws_d  | 0.1.9   | aws_device_farm        |
| evice_farm             |         | aws_device_farm_packa  |
|                        |         | ge                     |

[!] Could not find 'bootstrap_chai_tools_setup'. Available lanes: test, match_chaione, deploy_hockey_qa, deploy_staging, deploy_production
|            Plugin updates available             |
| Plugin          | Your Version | Latest Version |
| aws_device_farm | 0.1.9        | 0.3.4          |
[15:12:05]: To update all plugins, just run
[15:12:05]: $ bundle exec fastlane update_plugins
❗️ error: 

I don't see bootstrap_chai_tools_setup in the Fastfile. Where should it get it from?

initFabian commented 6 years ago

From my memory, we removed bootstrap_chai_tools_setup because there were too many moving parts in it, mainly surrounding the creation of provisioning profiles/certificates. We do need to revisit this portion of the codebase since we've restructured our Fastlane to be pulled from the cloud using