chairemobilite / transition

Transition is a modern new approach to transit planning. It's a web application to model, simulate and plan public transit and alternative transportation.
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jobs: Add a column for end time/duration #814

Closed tahini closed 7 months ago

greenscientist commented 7 months ago

Is an endtime or a duration kind of confusing to have both at the same place no?

tahini commented 7 months ago

It looks like this

Capture d’écran du 2023-12-18 14-07-00

I'm still waiting for suggestions to make this job list prettier, maybe the docker build list (but we don't see the duration)?

greenscientist commented 7 months ago

The docker build list for exmple only has a start time and a duration. out of a start_time, end_time and duration, you only really need 2. The other can be infered with the other. Personnally, I think the duration is the field that people are probably most interested in

tahini commented 7 months ago

And that might be a problem too if the task has spent time in a pending state... this PR gives a duration from last updated_at to created_at, but we don't have a started_at field...

tahini commented 7 months ago

But adding a started_at is a bit more involving than this quick one...

greenscientist commented 7 months ago

So the current displayed duration might be a lie?
I was under the impression that this PR looked too easy for what it was...

tahini commented 7 months ago

815 needs to be fixed first so we can calculate the actual duration of the job execution and not just it's life

tahini commented 7 months ago

Actually, I can just put the end time in this PR for now, without fixing either #813 or #815. it gives an information to the user, without lying about anything. Would that be all right? @greenscientist ?

greenscientist commented 7 months ago

Yes, that would work well for the moment and give a good enough insight to the user

tahini commented 7 months ago

Only the end time is present now