chairemobilite / transition

Transition is a modern new approach to transit planning. It's a web application to model, simulate and plan public transit and alternative transportation.
MIT License
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Suggestion : Add the possibility of selecting multiple stops to edit attributes #957

Open Backhand5 opened 1 month ago

Backhand5 commented 1 month ago

Adding the possibility of selecting multiple stops to edit attributes shared between them would be a nice add-on. The selection could for example be done by using "left click + drag" or "ctrl + left click". Something similar to what exists in OSM.

greenscientist commented 1 month ago

We are currently reworking the map widget and the node selection mecanism definitely something we can look up after that.

tahini commented 1 month ago

Fyi, it is currently possible to select multiple nodes with a polygon. When you are in the "Nodes" section, the polygon tool toolbox appears on the top right corner of the map and you can draw a polygon to select the nodes in it. See screenshot


But we could have a rectangle selection tool by default and allow to ctrl-click to select multiple nodes individually.