chairemobilite / transition

Transition is a modern new approach to transit planning. It's a web application to model, simulate and plan public transit and alternative transportation.
MIT License
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Suggestion : Add the possibility of modifying the order of stops of a trip of a line #958

Open Backhand5 opened 1 month ago

Backhand5 commented 1 month ago

When editing a trip (Trajet), it would be a nice thing if it was possible to add a stop in the middle of the trip instead of deleting the trip and restarting from scratch. We can delete a stop easily, but we can not add one or switch the order of 2 stops. Suggestion_Transition

greenscientist commented 1 month ago

That's a really good point...

tahini commented 1 month ago

It's a bit of an undocumented feature, but it is possible to add a node in the middle of a trip. See the path edit help for information on how to edit a path (see screenshot). You can add a waypoint by clicking on the path between the 2 nodes where you want to insert the new stop. Then drag the waypoint to the node.


Of course this UX could be improved. Would you have any suggestion how this could be done more easily? Maybe by dragging the nodes in the screenshot you took, then dropping where to node should be?

greenscientist commented 1 month ago

I've spend at least 20 minutes trying to find instructions for this and could not find it.

I think we should relocate those instructions. One main issue: THe icon should probablement be a quesiton mark and not and i (I associate i with information, not help)

greenscientist commented 1 month ago

A few more options:

greenscientist commented 1 month ago

Right clicking between 2 node in the bar with the list of node should popup a contextual menu where we can select "Add a stop" that will allow us to select a node