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Share on Hugging Face ? #1

Open lhoestq opened 9 months ago

lhoestq commented 9 months ago

Hi ! I’m Quentin from HF :)

Thanks for sharing the dataset, I believe it will be used a lot to evaluate LLMs! Especially since factual correctness and attributions are imo at the heart of many challenges nowadays.

I was wondering if you planned to share the dataset on Hugging Face ? This way researchers can load it in one line of python, and there is also a nice dataset viewer on the website to visualize the data.

chaitanyamalaviya commented 9 months ago

Hi Quentin, that's a good idea! We are on it, and will let you know once we've done this.

lhoestq commented 9 months ago

Cool ! Let me know if you have questions or if I can help

chaitanyamalaviya commented 9 months ago

Hi Quentin, I uploaded our dataset here and modified the yaml to display the different configs as described here. I was trying to show three different configs for the main data, the lfqa_random data and the lfqa_domain data. But the dataset viewer seems to not show these configs and their corresponding splits this way. Any chance you know what I could be missing? Thanks a lot!

lhoestq commented 9 months ago

I just opened a PR to fix a small issue with the YAML :)

chaitanyamalaviya commented 9 months ago

Thanks, looks good now!! It would be nice if the main subset could also be previewed, I currently see an Error code: UnexpectedError. Let me know if I need to fix something.

lhoestq commented 9 months ago

I'm getting this error somehow:

pyarrow.lib.ArrowInvalid: JSON parse error: Column(/answers/post_hoc_gs_gpt4/claims/[]/revised_evidence) changed from string to array in row 0

It looks like a field is sometimes a string and sometimes an array in the JSON data. However the dataset viewer only supports fixed types per field. Is this an error in the data file or it's expected ?

chaitanyamalaviya commented 9 months ago

Ah that's because when the revised_evidence field is empty, it was stored as an empty list when it is otherwise always a string. I fixed this in an updated file, but there is still an Unexpected error. Let me know if the error is something different. Also I wonder if I can test with the parquet converter myself. Thanks in any case!

lhoestq commented 9 months ago

It seems that some examples have the gpt4 field but other don't