chakkaradeep / pyCodeAGI

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TicTacToe #2

Open svupper opened 1 year ago

svupper commented 1 year ago

image image

import streamlit as st
import sqlite3
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from random import choice

# Global state class to store game data
class GlobalState:
    def __init__(self):
        self.conn = sqlite3.connect("tictactoe.db")

    def create_tables(self):
        cursor = self.conn.cursor()
            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS game_history (
                id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                opponent TEXT,
                difficulty TEXT,
                result TEXT

    def add_game(self, opponent, difficulty, result):
        cursor = self.conn.cursor()
            INSERT INTO game_history (opponent, difficulty, result)
            VALUES (?, ?, ?)
        """, (opponent, difficulty, result))

    def get_game_history(self):
        cursor = self.conn.cursor()
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM game_history")
        return pd.DataFrame(cursor.fetchall(), columns=["id", "opponent", "difficulty", "result"])

# Initialize global state
state = GlobalState()

# Game logic functions
def init_board():
    return np.full((3, 3), "")

def check_win(board):
    for row in board:
        if len(set(row)) == 1 and row[0] != "":
            return True
    for col in board.T:
        if len(set(col)) == 1 and col[0] != "":
            return True
    if len(set(board.diagonal())) == 1 and board[0, 0] != "":
        return True
    if len(set(np.fliplr(board).diagonal())) == 1 and board[0, 2] != "":
        return True
    return False

def check_draw(board):
    return not np.any(board == "")

def make_move(board, row, col, symbol):
    if board[row, col] == "":
        board[row, col] = symbol
        return True
    return False

def ai_move(board, difficulty):
    if difficulty == "easy":
        empty_cells = np.argwhere(board == "")
        return choice(empty_cells)
    elif difficulty == "medium":
        # Implement medium difficulty AI logic
    elif difficulty == "hard":
        # Implement hard difficulty AI logic
    return None

# Main app layout
st.title("TicTacToe Master")
st.write("Play the classic TicTacToe game against an AI opponent or another human player.")

opponent = st.sidebar.selectbox("Choose your opponent", ["AI", "Human"])
if opponent == "AI":
    difficulty = st.sidebar.selectbox("AI difficulty", ["easy", "medium", "hard"])
    difficulty = None

if st.sidebar.button("Restart Game"):
    board = init_board()
    board = state.board if hasattr(state, "board") else init_board()

for i in range(3):
    row_data = board[i]
    row_result = st.button(row_data[0], key=f"cell_0_{i}") or st.button(row_data[1], key=f"cell_1_{i}") or st.button(row_data[2], key=f"cell_2_{i}")
    if row_result:
        col = int(row_result.split("_")[1])
        row = int(row_result.split("_")[2])
        if opponent == "Human":
            symbol = "X" if state.turn == "X" else "O"
            if make_move(board, row, col, symbol):
                state.turn = "O" if state.turn == "X" else "X"
            if make_move(board, row, col, "X"):
                if not check_win(board) and not check_draw(board):
                    ai_row, ai_col = ai_move(board, difficulty)
                    make_move(board, ai_row, ai_col, "O")

if check_win(board):
    st.write("Game Over: Win")
    state.add_game(opponent, difficulty, "win")
elif check_draw(board):
    st.write("Game Over: Draw")
    state.add_game(opponent, difficulty, "draw")
    st.write("Game in Progress")

game_history = state.get_game_history()
st.write("Game History")

state.board = board

I asked him to build a tictactoe game, it doesn't work but the interface looks great. I guess it should try to test the interface and correct mistakes
chakkaradeep commented 1 year ago

Thanks for trying out PyCodeAGI. The instructions are mostly tuned for apps, and I think it might need further fine-tuning for game code generation. However, I am unsure if we can combine game and app code generation. Another issue here is that Streamlit isn't the right UX choice for games.