chalk-diagrams / chalk

A declarative drawing API in Python
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Move to org ? #103

Closed srush closed 2 years ago

srush commented 2 years ago


Would be nice not to lose history if possible.

danoneata commented 2 years ago

Yes, that sounds like a good plan! I would hope that the history is preserved; it seems that much of the other information (issues, pull requests, wiki, stars, watchers) is transferred.

danoneata commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I've messed up the repository trying to compile the documentation. I've ran

mkdocs gh-deploy

and it pushed the documentation to this repository, although I thought it would use the website repository; this is the current the mkdocs.yml configuration file:

remote_branch: master
remote_name: origin

Do you know how the mkdocs config file should be modified?

Also I've noticed that the Github documentation workflow fails, although I'm not sure why; on my machine it runs successfully, so it might be due to some different versions of some of the packages?

srush commented 2 years ago

Oh yeah, I do this for my other project. You need to have a local version of the and deploy from there:

cd ../ mkdocs gh-deploy --config-file ../my-project/mkdocs.yml --remote-branch master

I think we should just remove the github doc workflow for now. Deploying manually is easy enough.

danoneata commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the hint! In the end I've used

mkdocs build --config-file mkdocs.yml --site-dir ../

since running mkdocs from a different directory failed (because many of the paths are relative to the project's root). I've also disabled the GitHub action for documentation.

Next I'll go through the documentation to clean up the errors that pop up there and then release a new version on pypi.

srush commented 2 years ago

Cool. Feel free to rearrange docs or add more examples. It's kind of out of date. I probably also broke my clock example.

danoneata commented 2 years ago

Yup! I'll fix the clock example, no worries!

danoneata commented 2 years ago

Hello! I've created a new release on both Github and PyPI, so I think that the tasks from this issue are finally done.