chalkos / Marketbuddy

Plugin for XivLauncher/Dalamud to help with your day-to-day market operations.
Apache License 2.0
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An option to hide adjusted price notification #14

Open Rueby opened 2 years ago

Rueby commented 2 years ago

What's your suggestion?

This message image

If possible? It'd be nice.

chalkos commented 2 years ago

I've been using simpletweaks to hide it, which works. search for toast in simpletweaks, and add the text in there and it doesn't get shown anymore.

but i should find out why does the game think the price was adjusted.

Rueby commented 2 years ago

I gave burnt toast a try just now- that works! I think because the price gets adjusted, for me it pops whenever I ctrl+left click an item to adjust its price. So I guess it's working as intended? I'm not sure.

chalkos commented 2 years ago

but that toast doesn't appear when you change the price manually (i think) so something's not working correctly