challacade / legend-of-lua

MIT License
351 stars 43 forks source link

Project Direction Inquiry #11

Closed derekthecool closed 1 year ago

derekthecool commented 2 years ago

Project Direction Inquiry

WOW! Thank you so much for making this project! I'm in LOVE, pun certainly intended. I'm really wanting to dive in and start contributing, but I am not sure where to begin. I wanted to start a discussion to help plan.

These are the main topics I want to discuss.

  1. Documentation
  2. Project structure
  3. Testing
  4. Game design
  5. Music and Sounds


I would love to help write documentation for this project. Some of my ideas for what to add would be these:

Project Structure


What version of lua and love are to be supported?


What platforms are to be supported? It seems that right now it is only supporting desktop computers with a minimum screen size of 1920x1080.

And would mapping to a game pad controller ever be possible? This would be very awesome to feel that retro feel with a Zelda remake modern game.


Thank you for making this project available to everyone!

I want to chat about the license you've chosen. What are your reasons for choosing the MIT license? I feel like this project would be better off using a GPL license. Such a license would require anyone who uses this code also makes there project with the same license. It would be a shame if someone were to "steal" all of your code, then make the game closed course and start reaping in the big bucks $$$. With the MIT license it is easy to do such a thing. From what I discern about you're passion from your YouTube videos, I would think you would like to help keep this open source with all forks and spinoffs.

Code Formatting

Would you like to use a coding style standard? There are some tools such as stylua that help with such things. This is a rust application that can be installed with the cargo package manager. A good example for a simple config is that of neovims stylelua.toml


Unit Testing

Some parts of the application logic could benefit from unit testing. This page shows many different lua testing frame works. One that I really like to use for my projects is u-test.

Game Testing

I know a lot of this needs to be done by humans. But is there some gameplay testing that could be automated? I don't know much about this.

Game Design

There are many things to discuss here. But I'd like to keep it short with just one question... where do you see this project going? Full game that matches the scale of an actual Zelda game, or perhaps a short indie game?

Whatever the answer, I'm still very, very interested in helping to develop.

Music and Sounds

It wouldn't be a true Zelda game without an amazing soundtrack of course! I'd like to help create an original game soundtrack. I'm a decent musician myself, but I believe that setting things up for open source music development would be best. This would require using a FOSS DAW (digital audio workstation) such as ardour, and tracking the entire audio project in either this git repo or a companion repo if too far out of scope.

I'd like to help pave the way and get a few tracks going and take a go at it for this project.

Closing Thoughts

Zelda gamers are quite passionate (who else would write a GitHub issue this long without being passionate??) and I think help will flock to this project quickly in all fields.