chamilo / chamilo-lms

Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Install Issue 500 Internal Server Error, need help really! #5772

Open zentery opened 2 weeks ago

zentery commented 2 weeks ago

When I installed the chamilo1.11.8 version, I unzipped the source code and installed it. The main page: Step 2 met the requirements, Step 3 had already created the database, and the last page was to fill in the information for installation. 3 4 5

However, when I clicked Install, the page responded for a while and returned: 6

How should I solve this problem? I have tried three 1.11 release series. Can anyone help me? Thanks a lot!

zentery commented 2 weeks ago

@maher-nakesh During the installation of this software, there is no option to select a compiler. Sorry, I don't quite understand what you mean.

Kaneda-1 commented 2 weeks ago

Hello. Check the server error file error_log or similar.

ywarnier commented 2 weeks ago

@zentery You mention 1.11.8, the screenshots suggest it's 1.11.16, and the latest stable version is 1.11.26... so... which is it ?

The 500 Internal error points directly to something that would be in your error_log file. Given you're on Windows apparently, it would be good additional information to tell us if this is IIS or Apache, and if you are running WAMP or something like this.

If Apache, make sure the "Rewrite" module of Apache is enabled and check the installation guide to find the little block about rewrite

        AllowOverride all
                Require all granted
        Order allow,deny
        allow from all

These instructions may vary a bit depending on your version of Apache.

zentery commented 2 weeks ago

@ywarnier Thanks for your answer. I am currently using version 1.11.16, using a windows system, phpstudy, apache2.4.39 and php7.4.3. I have already enabled the apache rewrite module and added the rewrite rule at the end, but it still returns 500. 9

ywarnier commented 2 weeks ago

Did you have the opportunity to check your error_log? The "500" error is a code to avoid showing the details of the error publicly, but the details are usually in the PHP or Apache error_log (it depends on your configuration)