Chamilo.conf merged version between github's docker-chamilo -1.11.x and chamilo-lms -1.11.x, this file is only processed at docker build, still need to find out how to everride its content when using docker run =/
Docs updated, made some changes to avoid people folowing step by step instructions to get errors, I've also changed the host and domain used by the current example.
Updated base image to ubuntu 20.04, apt install also updates dependencies, Dockerfile includes ARG instructions to override some values that were before hardcoded, still need to find out how to make the ENV variables override values when using docker run.
This file downloads chamilo, composer and chash from github and then performs composer update producing a 3.5GB size docker image.
I'm going to summit another pull request that avoids this steps (composer and chash install from sources and composer -n update).
Openssh its removed, _$ docker exec -it ${container_name} /bin/bash could be used in the docker host to get into the running container.
Entrypoint inmplemented so container can run in detached mode.
Ignoring local bash script samples
Chamilo.conf merged version between github's docker-chamilo -1.11.x and chamilo-lms -1.11.x, this file is only processed at docker build, still need to find out how to everride its content when using docker run =/
Docs updated, made some changes to avoid people folowing step by step instructions to get errors, I've also changed the host and domain used by the current example.
Updated base image to ubuntu 20.04, apt install also updates dependencies, Dockerfile includes ARG instructions to override some values that were before hardcoded, still need to find out how to make the ENV variables override values when using docker run.
This file downloads chamilo, composer and chash from github and then performs composer update producing a 3.5GB size docker image.
I'm going to summit another pull request that avoids this steps (composer and chash install from sources and composer -n update).
Openssh its removed, _$ docker exec -it ${container_name} /bin/bash could be used in the docker host to get into the running container.
Entrypoint inmplemented so container can run in detached mode.