chamlamh / EntAppDevelopmentFinalProject

Final project in Ent App Development
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walderaj code review 2 #28

Open AWalderDev opened 2 years ago

AWalderDev commented 2 years ago

Analysis of the program:

I could not get the program to compile - Everything is very neat, well written, no glaring syntax errors, and a good program structure that is in line with best practices.

Was the program available in UC Github on time?


Is the program documented/commented well enough for you to understand?

Yes, there comments on every major piece of the program and enough to understand how the program works.

Does the program compile?

It does not compile for me but that could be on my end. There is one method that causes the error but I am unclear on how to fix it or if it has something to do with my eclipse or if it is actually an error in the code.

3 Technical Concepts I learned in this code review

I learned how to call an API I learned how to create CRUD operation in the DAO layer I learned how to set up a program with controller, DAO, DTO, and service layer I learned how to connect a program to a database and use the program to change the database.

I updated the program in a few areas. Using whitespace to help with readability in some areas. I also created a superclass findAll() to fix an error. It may not be what the project needs but it gets rid of the error. I also removed 2 unused imports.