championswimmer / vuex-persist

A Vuex plugin to persist the store. (Fully Typescript enabled)
MIT License
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window is not defined using vuex-persist and NUXT #88

Open warheartvik opened 5 years ago

warheartvik commented 5 years ago


I followed the instructions on But I got 'window is not defined' error. I'm using nuxt and typescript.

Nuxt Config: { src: '~/plugins/vuex-persist.ts', ssr: false },

~/plugins/vuex-persist.ts: import VuexPersistence from 'vuex-persist'

export default ({store}) => { if (process.client){ return new VuexPersistence({ storage: window.localStorage }).plugin(store); }

} ~/store/index.ts import Vue from 'vue'; import Vuex from 'vuex'; import VuexPersistence from 'vuex-persist'; Vue.use(Vuex);

const vuexLocal = new VuexPersistence({ storage: window.localStorage })

export default () => new Vuex.Store({ state: { authUser: null, token: process.client ? localStorage.getItem('token') : null },

mutations: { set_user: function (state, user) { //@ts-ignore state.authUser = user; }, set_token (state, token){ //@ts-ignore state.token = token; } },

actions: { async iniciarSesion ({ commit }, datosUsuario) {

  commit('set_user', datosUsuario.usuario);

  if (process.client){
    localStorage.setItem('token', datosUsuario.token);

  commit('set_token', datosUsuario.token);
}, //iniciar sesion final del metodo

}, getters: { user (state) { //@ts-ignore return state.authUser;



plugins: [vuexLocal.plugin] });

kpturner commented 5 years ago

Bit difficult to follow ^^ because you haven't formatted the code as this is code above, but anyway I was looking to use this plug-in with Nuxt (typescript) also but I am a bit reticent until you get an answer. Obviously window.anything isn't going to fly when executed server side. It does beg the question for me as somewhat of a n00b as to where the store exists on the server-side anyway. Clearly when server-side rendering is taking place the vuex store can be accessed and populated but I have no clue how it is synced between the client and the server.

championswimmer commented 5 years ago

Use it as a client only plugin, as shown in README

Yes the store values can only be used in a hydrated app (one that has become reactive after loading on the frontend)

On Tue 18 Dec, 2018, 10:14 PM Kevin Turner < wrote:

Bit difficult to follow ^^ because you haven't formatted the code as this is code above, but anyway I was looking to use this plug-in with Nuxt (typescript) also but I am a bit reticent until you get an answer. Obviously window.anything isn't going to fly when executed server side. It does beg the question for me as somewhat of a n00b as to where the store exists on the server-side anyway. Clearly when server-side rendering is taking place the vuex store can be accessed and populated but I have no clue how it is synced between the client and the server.

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kpturner commented 5 years ago

Isn't the OP using it is a client-only plugin then? The README says to use ssr: false and he is - but still gets the window is not defined error.

kpturner commented 5 years ago

OK I see what he did wrong. I have it at least storing state in localStorage now. I have another issue that I will log separately.

kyriediculous commented 5 years ago

Note that no-ssr still "renders" the content internally (but doesn't render the html, not until the parent is mounted).

nasermirzaei89 commented 4 years ago

I used this code:

function getPlugins() {
    let plugins = []

    if (process.browser) {
        const vuexLocal = new VuexPersistence<RootState>({
            storage: window.localStorage


export const plugins = getPlugins()

So, I get rid of error window is not defined

topzdev commented 4 years ago

@nasermirzaei89 you forgot to return the plugins

nasermirzaei89 commented 4 years ago

@topzdev as I see in nuxt.js guide, we should only export it as plugins: