chan-sccp / PAMI

Fork of PHP Asterisk Manager Interface ( AMI ) supports synchronous command ( action )/ responses and asynchronous events using the pattern observer-listener. Supports commands with responses with multiple events. Very suitable for development of operator consoles and / or asterisk / channels / peers monitoring through SOA, etc
Apache License 2.0
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PJSIP action and events #1

Closed pnlarsson closed 7 years ago

pnlarsson commented 9 years ago

PJSIP actions and returned events

dkgroot commented 9 years ago

Hi Niklas, Nice work ! I am currently waiting to get the "response_factory_v2" branch merged ( into marcelo's PAMI repositoty (Open Pull Request). The "chan-sccp-b" branch (and yours) are dependent on getting that one merged first. If/when it does get accepted, then moving forward with the chan-sccp-b branch and yours should not be problematic.

It's a good sign that you could make sense of my "response_factory" idea :-)

We will need to wait for a bit to give Marcelo Gornstein (this is not Marcello Ceshia) to do the review, and possibly request fixes / changes. Then we should both be able to rebase off of that merge. Will only require minor changes i would assume. You based your work on an earlier version of mine, but you can leave that as is for now, until we get the whole integration process rolling !

Thanks again for the work, i no creating all the actions and events is a bit of a hassle. It's fun to see the github process with all the disjointed repositories at work :-)