chanan / BlazorStrap

Bootstrap 4 Components for Blazor Framework
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Tooltips wouldn't fully hide #532

Closed uecasm closed 2 years ago

uecasm commented 2 years ago

A typo in BSTooltip was making it so that after showing and hiding a tooltip, it was not visible but was still intercepting mouse events.

In my case that was making it so that in a grid of icons with tooltips, fewer and fewer would actually work since the mouseenter event wasn't reaching the icon; it was being intercepted by the tooltip instead.

(I'm not sure why anyone would put interactive elements into a tooltip anyway, so they shouldn't need pointer events in the first place, but apparently some people do.)

Caveat: I can't really tell in my test environment since I have animations disabled, but this does seem like perhaps this might make the tooltips vanish immediately instead of fading out... are they supposed to fade out?