chanan / BlazorStrap

Bootstrap 4 Components for Blazor Framework
The Unlicense
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Bootstrap classes not working after upgrade to version 5.1.100 #562

Closed mhdr closed 1 year ago

mhdr commented 1 year ago

<BSCol ColumnSmall="6" Column="11"> For example Column and ColumnSmall are not applied anymore.

tony-asu commented 1 year ago

you may need to install Bootstrap.V5 or Bootstrap.V4, and add a @using BlazorStrap.V# to your _Imports.razor

or atleast this is what worked for me.

jbomhold3 commented 1 year ago

Exactly right. Core(Blazorstrap) package is all the events and methods. The render is BlazorStrap.V5 or BlazorStrap.V4 . V5 = Bootstrap 5 , V4 = Bootstrap 4

mhdr commented 1 year ago

You are right. Thank you. @tony-asu @jbomhold3