chanan / BlazorStrap

Bootstrap 4 Components for Blazor Framework
The Unlicense
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Tooltips, Popover, Modal, Offcanvas #591

Closed jbomhold3 closed 1 year ago

jbomhold3 commented 1 year ago

Example Goal


public class Modal 
    public ConcurrentDictionary<string, dynamicType<object>> Children = new();
    public BSModal Add<T>(Action<T> params, string id= Guid.NewGuid.ToString()) where T : class, new()
         var result = new T();
         T parameters;
         result.Fragment = // Build component match attribute for parameters
         if(!Children .TryAdd(id, result, out _)
        return parameters.ObjectReferance;
    public void Remove<T>(T blah) 
        // Remove
    public void Remove<T>(string name) 
       // Remove

    public override async Task InteropEventCallback(string id, CallerName name, EventType type,
            Dictionary<string, string>? classList, JavascriptEvent? e)
    //loop children see if event is related do actions



Any other component

private BSModal _blah;
protected override OnInitialized
_blah = BlazorStrap.Modal.Add<ModalComponent>(params, "optionalStringName");
public async Task ShowModalAsync()
    await _blah.ShowAsync();
    // Or


<BSModal DataId="modal1" @ref="ObjectReferance">
    <Header>Modal Title</Header>
    <Content>Woohoo, you're reading this text in a modal!</Content>
    <Footer Context="modal">
        <BSButton MarginStart="Margins.Auto" Color="BSColor.Secondary" @onclick="modal.HideAsync">Close</BSButton>
        <BSButton Color="BSColor.Primary">Save changes</BSButton>


   public partial ModalComponent : IDynamicInterface<BSModal?>
        public BSModal? ObjectReferance {get;set;}  // This is on the interface
jbomhold3 commented 1 year ago

Changed the way the core interop works this is no longer needed.